Lessons from Bob the Builder.
I’ve learned some lessons from Bob the Builder.
I have to confess, I’ve been lazy with my time. I spend more time thinking than actually doing.
We each are given 24 hours a day or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds.
It makes me sad to think about how many hours of my life I’ve wasted. Wasted on worry. Wasted online. Wasted on being angry. Wasted on trying to decide what shirt to buy. Wasted reading stuff that will not add to my life in any way. Wasted on regretting the past but doing nothing to change the future. There isn’t a lot in life that we can control but we can control our time. I can choose to go workout instead of sleep in. I can choose to write instead mindlessly surf Facebook. I can choose to spend time with a friend instead of reading pointless emails (not yours!). I can choose to not worry about tomorrow and take action today. That’s what I want 2009 to be a year of action.
Last Friday, I finally finished the rough draft of a screenplay I’ve been thinking about for two years. Thinking about for two years. It felt good to type those last words, even better than reaching 120 pounds. But soon after finishing it I thought, “Wow when I put my mind to it, it wasn’t the doing was difficult. It was the starting“.
It’s the same with getting fit.
Once you get going it’s not that difficult and more times than not enjoyable. But it’s the getting started that is HARD. Before I chose to get healthy I wasted a lot of time thinking about wearing a size 4 but very little time actually doing anything about it. And I wasted even more time by eating food that didn’t fuel my body like mexican pizzas from Taco Bell. Then I wasted time feeling guilty about it instead of moving on. Which perhaps is the most destructive of all.
It’s time to move on friends.
All of us are wasting time with something. Let go of the things that are keeping you from your goals. If you ever been to my house you know I’m not the best housekeeper. In fact, I’m pretty lousy. But I made the choice that my house didn’t have to be 100% all the time. When I was looking at my life I decided that when I look back on my life I won’t give a damn wether my shirts had wrinkles or not. And I won’t regret vacuuming only twice a month. And so what if I had a permanent clothes sculpture on my bedroom floor. I realized if I spent the amount of time it would require to keep my house looking 100% then I wouldn’t have the time I wanted to invest in the things I really wanted to invest in, things like family, friends, and personal goals.
We only have 1440 minutes each day.
How do you want to spend those minutes? Have you been dreaming about losing X number pounds? Then get up and move. It’s not easy but YOU CAN do it. Have you always wanted to learn photography? Then grab a camera and start shooting. YOU CAN and you will probably surprise yourself. Have you always wanted to learn how to cook? Then pull out a cookbook and start chopping. So what if you’re not Martha Stuart, have fun anyway. Don’t waste another moment regretting the “yesterdays” or worrying about the “tomorrows”.
Make today count.
How are you going to use your 1440 minutes today?
Friends let’s not wait until tomorrow to encourage and inspire each other. Let’s find the time today to say, “You can do it.” to each other AND ourselves. Can-we-do-it??? YES-WE-CAN!!!!
Hugs and High Fives,
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Journey with our family on the road at New School Nomads as we travel fulltime in RV through the United States!
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