Two For One New Year’s Special
I love January. Since I live in southern California it’s much easier to love it. Regardless of where you live January symbolizes a fresh start and who doesn’t like fresh starts except maggots. Yuck. Sorry. I know a lot of people are cynical when it comes to making New Year’s resolutions because they think it is something you should be doing any way all year round. I don’t share the cynicism because I like making New Year’s resolutions even if I’m making the same one’s year after year. I like them because they give me a sense of hope that I CAN do better and I haven’t given up. In a nutshell, the New Year is a time to celebrate HOPE. Hope for the future. And I also love writing lists so it’s another excuse to make a list.
So I’m ready to hit my workouts hard after slacking for a month and a half. It’s not that I haven’t been working out but I’ve sort of been putzing around the gym trying new things and daydreaming about having sculpted shoulders instead of actually working to create them.
Last night I spend a good amount of time working on new workout for myself and one for my friend. So today I thought I’d post them both. The first one is for a friend who hasn’t worked out in a while. The second one is the one I’m going to be doing for the next four weeks. I tend to like doing the same workout for a few weeks in a row because I can easily track my progress from week to week. I enjoy the challenge on trying to get higher numbers (reps and/or weight), it’s fun! Obviously I have a really exciting life. I’ve tried to link descriptions of the exercises. Someday when I get the time I’m going to take my own photos for the exercises but for now most of them are linked to Ex.Rx which is a fantastic resource.
And btw if you subscribed with an email with “red” and “79” in it you may want to re-enter b/c they are getting returned. I LOVE my subscribers!!!! So much that I will NEVER EVER spam you or give your email away.
Happy New Year!!!!!!!
1. Pull Ups – max reps If you can’t do a pull-up you can use bands or use a pull up machine. If you don’t have access to either. Substitute bent-over rows.
2. Lunges with Dumbbells – 15 reps each leg
3. Bicep Curls – 15 reps
Repeat exercises 1-3 resting only as necessary. Then rest 2-3 minutes and repeat exercises 1-3 again. Depending on your fitness level you may want to repeat one more times for a total of 3 tri-sets . Listen to your body. PUSH yourself but don’t hurt yourself.
1. Push Ups – 15 reps – Either on knees or toes. Add reps as needed.
2. Squats – 15 reps
3. Military Press – 15 reps
Repeat 1-3 resting only as necessary. Then rest 2-3 minutes and repeat exercises 1-3 again. Depending on your fitness level you may want to repeat one for a total of 3 tri-sets . Listen to your body. PUSH yourself but don’t hurt yourself. Ya know check yo self before yo wreck yo self.
1. Crunches on Stability Ball – 20-25 reps
2. Plank – Hold for 60 seconds – Here is a good video on how to do it properly if you are unsure. Advanced people may want to add the stability ball.
Repeat each exercise 2-3 times.
If you want to burn a few extra calories add a 10 minute walk/run on the treadmill. Walk a minute. Run a minute. Then stretch and your done! Don’t forget to bring your notebook so you can record your weights/reps and try to increase them the next time you do the same exercises. If you are advanced add weight or reps or an extra set to increase intensity. If you are a brand new beginner use lighter weights and two sets.
Cardio only. I prefer to do a 20 minute of interval training on a machine or running. I find it to be the most effective and enjoyable. But do what you like, just get out and MOVE!
Same as Tuesday. Cardio of your choice. Give interval training a try if you haven’t already! I’m pushy, I know.
1. Pull Ups – max reps If you can’t do a pull-up you can use bands or use a pull up machine. If you don’t have access to either. Substitute bent-over rows.
2. Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells – 15 reps each leg
3. Triceps Extension – 15 reps – I like to do my standing.
Repeat exercises 1-3 resting only as necessary. Then rest 2-3 minutes and repeat exercises 1-3 again. Depending on your fitness level you may want to repeat one more time for a total of 3 tri-sets . Listen to your body. PUSH yourself but don’t hurt yourself.
1. Push Ups – 15 reps – Either on knees or toes. Add reps as needed.
2. Stiff leg Deadlifts – 15 reps
3. Dumbbel Lateral Raises – 15 reps
Repeat 1-3 resting only as necessary. Then rest 2-3 minutes and repeat exercises 1-3 again. Depending on your fitness level you may want to repeat one more times for a total of 3 tri-sets . Listen to your body. PUSH yourself but don’t hurt yourself.
1. Reverse Crunches – 20-25 reps
2. Prone Cobra 60 seconds
3. Bicycle Crunches – 15-20 reps. 1 reps is tapping both knees with elbows.
Repeat each exercise 2-3 times.
Like on Monday, if you want to burn a few extra calories add a 10 minute walk/run on the treadmill. Walk a minute. Run a minute. Then stretch and your done! Don’t forget to bring your notebook so you can record your weights/reps and try to increase them the next time you do the same exercises. If you are advanced add weight or reps to increase intensity. If you are a brand new beginner use lighter weights.
30- 40 minutes of steady pace cardio. Unlike Tuesday and Thursday focus on endurance rather than intensity.
This is going to be my workout for the next 2-4 weeks. My very favorite way to structure my workouts are two full body workouts a week, a day of intense core training, along with 2 intense interval cardios and 1 endurance cardio. However, the next few weeks I will be doing more isolations and since I am trying to define my shoulders I’m throwing in some extra shoulder exercises on core day. We’ll see how it goes.
1. Pulls Ups – Max Reps
2. Step Ups with Bicep Curls – 30 each leg – I curl when I step up and step down. I don’t alternate legs. When I switch legs I rotate my arms to hammer curls.
3. Donkey Kicks w/ Tricep Kickbacks – 30 each leg – Okay so I haven’t actually tried this yet except on my office floor. I think it can be done but I may end up falling on my face in the gym. I’ll let you know how it goes when I go to the gym this afternoon.
1. Split Squats – 25 each leg
2. Bicep Curls 21’s – 7 1st half, 7 2nd half, 7 full movement
3. Triceps Extensions – Drop Sets 12, 10, 6 reps
1. Concentration Curls on Stability Ball – Drop Sets 12, 10, 6 reps
2. Tricep Dips on Stability Ball – Max reps I put my feet on a ball and raise my hips and then dip with my triceps.
3. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl – Max reps
10 minutes walk/run. Stretch.
20 minute intense interval cardio.
Plank – 60 seconds
Side Plank – 30 seconds each side
Stability Ball Pass – 20
Frog Crunch – 20
Reverse Abs on Ball – 20
Opposite Arm/Leg Raise – 10 each side
Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes.
The following shoulder exercises are same body part supersets. Two different exercises performed back to back with little rest. Then I’ll rest 1-2 minutes and do the second superset. The second superset I will increase weight (hopefully) and decrease reps. And repeat with the third superset.
1. Front Raise – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
2. Shoulder Press – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
1. Bent Over Rear Fly – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
2. Shoulder Press – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
1. Lateral Raise – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
2. Shoulder Press – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6 reps
10 minute walk/run. Stretch.
20 minutes intense interval training
This is my plyo day along with back and chest emphasis.
1. Pull Ups – Max Reps
2. Burpees – 15 reps
1. Bent Over Barbell Rows – Drop sets 10, 8, 6
2. Jump Lunges – 12 each leg
3. Bench Press – Drop sets 10, 8, 6
1. Push Ups on Stabillity Ball – Max Reps
2. Tired Froggy (I made that up) Jump Squats – 12 jumping, 12 slow, 12 jumping for total of 36 reps each set
3. 1 Arm Dumbell Rows – Drop Sets 10, 8, 6
I’ll do exercises 1-3 without resting. Then rest 1.5-3 minutes before repeating. A total of 3 sets for each exercise for each group.
Plyo sort of exhausts me. Wah wah wah. If I have the energy I’ll add a 10 minute walk/run.
Endurance day. 40 minutes of steady pace cardio. I like to do or at least I used to like to do 4 mile runs (really jogs but “runs” sound cooler) and try to improve my time each week. But lately I’ve been enjoying thinking about running instead of actually running.
P.S. I’m impressed if you made it to the end of this post.
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I think I will be adding the beginner workout to my training schedule, it looks perfect!
thanks for taking the time and posting it!!!
You’re welcome Melissa! Glad you like it. Let me know how it goes.
I did my workout this evening and I’m happy with it. I’m feeling fatigued and I know I’ll be sore tomorrow. I was able to do the Donkey Kicks with the Tricep Kickback. I almost tipped over only 5 times! I’m really happy with them because it really worked my core too and it killed my triceps. The entire workout can be completed in less than 40 minutes if you stay focused including the warm up.
Thanks so much for posting this! Looks great – gonna have to try!!!
Hello Jenn! Me again
How long would you estimate the beginner workout to take? I know you mentioned 40 minutes for yours. Your post made me have a light bulb moment lol: maybe I am focusing too much time on cardio and not enough on weight training? I am going to revamp my workout plan for the next month w/ your schedule above and see how my body changes. I am excited! Thanks again!
Hey Michelle!! Happy to see you again! And I’m excited for YOU!!
I would say it will take you about 25-40 minutes. It really depends on much you need to rest, i.e., how quickly you move from exercise to exercise. Yay for your lightbulb!!! I think a lot of people focus too much on cardio. I used to be one of them. When I have limited time I almost always choose weight training over cardio. I feel like I have gotten much better results from weight training. Not that cardio doesn’t have it’s place. It does burn extra calories and is good for your heart not too mention sometimes a good cardio session really clears and relaxes the mind. But I’m all for weight training. I tend to structure my weight training in a circuit fashion, i.e., going from exercise to exercise that way my heart rate stay up.
Thanks!!! This also means I only have to do weights on two days (to start). Yay for that! I’ll let you know mid-February how it’s going
I’m gonna print this one out and hang it in our gym. I’m ready to get started!
Timed my plank today and it was 90 secs…210 to go.
That’s a great information and great tips to help me stay fit.
thanks for sharing your article. Nice read!