Simple Stir Fry Recipe
I’m not crazy about vegetables. But I eat them and try to eat a lot of them because I know they are good for me. It’s still a struggle and I make a daily effort to get them down. I’ve found stir fry to be one of the best ways to eat a large serving of veggies and actually enjoy it. A couple of days ago I threw this together and it turned out good.
Simple Stir Fry
2.5 pounds of chicken boneless skinless breast (about 8 breasts) cut into small pieces.
3 Tbs Black Bean Garlic Sauce (you can find this in the Asian section of most grocery stores)
2 Tbs Sesame Oil
3 Tbs Honey
1 Tsp Crushed Ginger
3 Tsp Rice Vinegar
2 Bags of Stir Fry Mixed Veggies* or a mixture of Bok Choy, snow peas, broccoloi or any other veggies you like.
Slivered Almonds (optional)
In a bowl, whisk together the black bean garlic sauce, sesame oil, honey, ginger and rice vinegar. Add the chicken and let marinate for an hour or more if you have time. In a large pan, saute the chicken until it is not longer pink but still tender. I avoid turning my chicken into rubber by cutting a piece in half to check the color as soon as it looks done. If it’s still pink I wait another minute and cut another piece. I do this until all the biggest pieces are cooked through. Personally, I like to cook the veggies in a separate pan because I have more control over the tenderness of the vegetables without over cooking my chicken. Divide the vegetables into bowls and top with chicken and a tsp of almonds. This chicken also works well on top of lettuce with an Asian dressings for a salad the next day.
8 servings (without almonds) are approximately 255 calories, 17 carbs, 36 protein, 5 fat a serving
1 tbs almonds adds another 46 calories, 1 grams carb, 2 grams protein, 4 grams fat
(I say add the almonds and a 1/2 cup brown rice if you want!)
* I usually only cook one bag of veggies if I’m just cooking for my husband and kids and cook more the next day if I want stir fry again for lunch or whatever.
Have a great day!
政府利用文化藝術宣傳政策 包括 propaganda 古今中外都有用 嘿嘿兄 我一向不相信民主是萬能的 但很多人卻認為民主是救世主 有民主就有安樂茶飯 這祇是推銷民主的政棍 假民主之名 魚目混珠 掩人耳目 實行一己的私慾 共產主義已經無市場 資本主義已經腐壞的無可救藥 民主被政棍濫用得變成窒礙政府政令 到處可見 最早實行民主的歐美國家 都因為有民主 令到政府施政 舉步維艱 事倍功半 錢使咗而不得到效果 反而公帑納稅人的錢 落入奸商口袋裡多 落入有需要的人民荷包少 九七回歸 港人治港 香港初嚐鳥籠民主 已經因為攪到一鑊泡 先不談較高層次的立法會 淨是地方的區議會 政府已經被民意牽著鼻子走 例一 政府要建骨灰盦 安置死人長居之所 但地方區議會 卻為了自己社區 帶領區內居民反對 要在別人的區間骨灰盦 卻不准在自己區建 難道他們的區內老人家全都是人瑞 例二 為了減少巴士廢氣排放 保護環境 政府敦促巴士公司 把重疊的路線班次削減 或停辦某些少乘客的路線 但地方區議會率先反對 減別區的路線是合情合理 總要不減自己區的 少人搭的路線減掉 叫剝削權利 較高一層的立法會 例子有 建高速鐵路連接國內 高鐵 就因為民主審議程序 正反雙方不斷的爭拗 又要討價還價徵地的賠償 比內地遲了十年完成 失去先機和時間性等等優勢 是時候要有一個超然的思想家 為人類創出一個新的主義 拯救人類社會 否則人類必走向滅亡 就如我們不知道 侏羅紀 的恐龍 為何突然在地球上消失絕種了