Valleys and Views
Stories of sadness, fear, and loss are surrounding us during this unstable time. It seems to me that many people are walking through “valleys” right now. I was thinking about this today. I don’t like being in the valley. I like being on top of the mountain. It’s a much better view. But I also know the hike out of the valley has made me stronger. I don’t grow much standing on top of the mountain. Yes I love the view. I love feeling like every cell of my body is vibrating with life and joy. I love feeling that my future and the future of others is full of endless possibilities. And as much as I try to control every detail on my life to keep on the mountain top, inevitably, I find myself in the valley. More than I’d like. That’s life. And after each valley comes the hike back up to the top. Sometimes it’s painful. My legs burn and I have to rest. I may trip. I may fall. I may cry. I may sit down and throw a temper tantrum that can be heard in China. But this hike to the top is what is making me stronger. Making me more appreciative of life. Of family. Of friends. Of health. Of God.
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If you’re in the valley trying to find your way up the hillside keep going. Ask for strength and it will come. There is a mountain top and you will find it. The view may not be what you expected. It’s probably better.
