A Full Body Workout
I love my garage gym. Mostly because I can dance like a fool without anyone watching but the spiders. I’m feeling better today than last week. Hal-le-lu-jah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. The monster from Present Monster Syndrome has retreated to the closet. Hopefully she stays there.
As I’ve said before, I like to do the same workouts for 3 or 4 weeks in a row before switching them up. I like this for 2 reasons. 1. It’s easy to record my progress from week to week. 2. I thrive in routine. After the 3rd or 4th week I switch my workouts up again. This has worked really well for me. This has been my Monday’s workout for the past month.
Full Body Workout
I warmed up by doing the hula hoop for 5 minutes. Yes the hula hoop. Now that’s hardcore.
A. Split Jerk* – 6 reps (Substitute the military press if you are unsure of the split jerk.)
B. Jump Squats – 15 (I’ve worked up to 20 over 4 weeks and I don’t swing my arms like the dude in the video. I’m afraid I’d fall over backwards.)
C. Lat Pull Downs – 6 reps
Repeat A-C 5 times for a total of 5 sets for each exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes after C and rest only as needed between exercises.
A. Concentration Curls – 6 reps
B. Tricep Kickback – 6 reps
C. Side Lateral Raises – 6 reps
Repeat A-C 5 times for a total of 5 sets for each exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes after C and rest only as needed between exercises.
A. Plank till failure
A. Finished off my workout with a 10 minute walk/sprint on the treadmill.
A. Stretch
This takes me about 45 minutes depending on how much dancing I do in between sets.
*I’ve been researching a ton on Olympic lifts and have incorporated a few into my workouts. They are pretty fun. They make me feel tougher than I really am! I started with a broomstick to be safe. Once I felt comfortable I started using an unloaded barbell. I’ve just started to add a little weight. I hoping a certain friend can come over soon to help me improve my form.
Okay friends let’s all have a great week.
Well, if I happen to be that friend, let’s do it!
Yep that certain friend would be you! Looking forward to it.
Hula-hoop…hardcore…I heard only 1% of the population over 30 can even do it for 10 sec.
Dad – That’s so funny!!! I love your random little pieces of information!
Hey! Did you change it for comments? Anyhoo I hadn’t seen that split jerk, pretty cool. I like to do the squat jumps onto a step with like 4 risers, so you straddle it, squat, jump up, immediately squat, jump down to straddling the box, immediately . . . you get the point. Oh plyos. . . How I love/hate thee.
I change my workout every 6 weeks for the same reasons. I feel like anything less is too little for me to make significant gains. Anything more I get bored.
HEY KIM!!!!! So glad to see you here!
We switched my blog over to the updated version of WordPress so maybe that affected commenting! I have a love/hate relationship with ply too! I’ll have to figure out something to jump one so I can try those squat jumps. Thanks for commenting!