Today I am longing for….
Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and sad.
Feeling “mental” despite the perfect weather.
I’d love to take off for the Sequoias today.
Brent working in our “wt” pop-up trailer with Simpler Times, Starbucks, a soda, and a McDonald’s cup. Ahhh the contradictions.
I’ve never claimed to be perfect.
Instead of running away, I read Picking their Own Fruit from one of my FAVORITE blogs of all time Stuff White People Like and got a good laugh. It’s one of two blogs that after I found it (while searching for the perfect peacoat) I read the ENTIRE thing in two days. Warning: If you don’t like satire you might find it offensive.
Instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself, I think I’ll put on a padded bra and an A-line dress.
Then I’ll go pick up my veggies from the CSA and try to be grateful for all the blessings I do have in my life.
Hugs and High Fives,
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i LOVE stuffwhitepeoplelike. i even have an awesome tshirt by them. we all have days like this, hang in there! you’ve got a great attitude about it all
Oh friend, I am sorry you are feeling blue
***HUGS to you*** Wish I lived closer so I could don an a-line dress with ya and go pick veggies …
(((HUGS))) love you!
LOVE the wt pop-up! We’re camper fanatics (only rented one to drive across country) so when there was a tiny pop-up for sale in our neighborhood I RAN to go see it. I actually said YES and the hubby thought not such a good idea (not AS good an idea in the rainy northwest). I was in shock! So no trailer for us…..yet.
Feel better. I get where you’re coming from.
Sorry Jenn you are not feeling well! *BIG HUG*
Hate these days! But it will pass!
Maybe it is something in the air! 😉 I have been feeling down too (past 3 days). Just have been sleeping a lot… ah to be a woman.
You are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!
Hugs from Oregon!
Hope your day tomorrow perks up!
When I left you last you were so happy! Perhaps you need more Kettlebells and smoothies with your buddy to the south.
I checked out the blog- it’s pretty hilarious, especially since half the commenters are all offended, like DUH! what did you expect? Also funny: on the Google ads at the bottom of one post was Blogs for Blacks. hee hee. classic.
Feel better.
I’m sending some love your way Jenn… tomorrow is a new day, hopefully a better one.
Isn’t it amazing what a padded bra can do for one’s state of mind?
I plan on some padding-bra-and-A-line-dress-wearing very soon! I’m sure today is better for you? Yes?
oh wait. that was me that typed the “Anonymous” comment. Forgot to enter my info. Doh!
Oh how I long to be in the Colorado sunshine with a tall cup of coffee. However, next time I feel these longings, I’ll try the A-line dress and padded bra plan.
I’ve never seen that site ! Will check it out ASAP. And there’s nothing a really good padded bra can’t fix:) Hope you overcome your ennui soon!
FEEL BETTER GIRL!!! haha that site is so funny!!