My First Giveaway!!!!! Oxygenfit Body Plan Kit
Yes, I received my bands and ball for free. That doesn’t keep me from being honest.
Using my Oxygenfit toner in my fancy garage gym to aid my pull-ups.
While I don’t use exercise bands regularly (except for the above exercise which is my favorite way to work up to pull ups) they are perfect for those with a limited budget, space, or for traveling. Bands are affordable, light, portable, small, versatile, and convenient. You can easily throw them in a carry-on suitcase and eliminate one of the excuse factors when traveling.
After a bad experience with cheap bands (One broke and the handle hit me in the face bloodying my nose…yes it hurt like heck!) I was delighted when I saw and experienced the the quality of the Oxygenfit Toners (bands). What sets the Oxygen Toners apart from other bands? Attention to detail and quality construction. The plastic tubing is attached inside a nylon sleeve and the sleeve is securely attached to the handle. There is also an optional attachment called the Fit Stik that allows you to add more variety and use the Toners more like a barbell.
The square part is heavily stitched for safety. I can’t imagine this breaking!
The Oxygenfit Toners feel safer and more comfortable (no pinching) than an average exercise band. As long as you aren’t using the band as a swing or for acrobatics then the possibility of the band breaking is virtually eliminated.
The ball?
I’ve always bought cheap balls from discount stores and inevitably it felt like I was doing planks on a balloon rather than a stability ball as the plastic felt thin. However, the Oxygenfit Body Ball is akin to the higher quality balls I’ve used at the gym. Although, mine could have used a few more pumps of air. Speaking of the the air pump it was really easy to use. It took me 2 minutes and 37 seconds to fill up with air. Yes, I actually time it with a stop watch and, yes, I’m easily entertained.
While I don’t use a stability ball every day (I don’t use any one piece of equipment every day), I do use them to add variety to my workouts and prevent boredom. I consider it one of the better pieces of exercise equipment when it comes to price, effectiveness, and versatility.
The friendly people of Oxygenfit have offered to giveaway a Body Plan Kit (worth $94.95) to one lucky Girl Heroes reader. The kit will contain 1 Body Ball, 1 Light Toner, 1 Fit Stick, 1 door anchor, 1 Air Stik Pump, Motivational DVD, Fit Stik DVD, and Gym Technik Mobile Application.
4 Ways to Gain Entries!
(Please make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry as I will pick a winner at random from the comments. 1 comment = 1 entry)
1. Leave a comment telling me what your favorite exercise is using the ball or bands? If you’ve yet to use them what would you like to try?
2. Check out the Oxygenfit website and leave a comment telling me you have done so. (There’s a short little video that gives you an idea of all the different ways you can use the Body Ball, Toners, and Fit Stick.
3. Mention this post on your blog. Leave a comment telling me you have done so. If you don’t have a blog you can email this post to a friend and leave a comment telling me you have done so. You may mention this giveaway in multiple posts (or emails) up to once per day but remember to leave a comment for each entry.
4. If you have a twitter account please help me spread the word and Tweet about this giveway. “@girlhero is having her first giveaway: An Oxygenfit Body Plan Kit. Enter to win here!” You may tweet up to once a day but don’t forget to come back and leave a comment for each entry.
Contest will close next Monday March 29th at 9 pm PST and is open to US and Canadian residents!
Hugs and High Fives,
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ooo I’d wanna use it for pullups as well.
Very cool video on the website!
awesome give-a-way!
The first ball exercise I thought of were the ones that workout your hamstrings. Where you place both of your foot on the med ball and roll it inwards and outwards whist your back is flat on the floor. Don’t really know the name though. doh’
But abs are second, ab crunches.
OH my gosh I want to win! LOL. My favorite ball move is the ball pike.. so good for the abs!
I checked out the website!
And I twittered!
I like to do any kind of ab work on the ball!
I twittered!! Also, I would use the ball for stability sit ups and core exercises!
I would like to try the ball for pushups! THanks
stability ball jack knife. or ab pullovers
I tweeted
I checked out the video. I think that its pretty cool that you can do so much with the bands.
I like doing squats with the bands.
hello, amazing back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, stability ball ham curls.
love ya!
Oh,and i don’t know the name of the tourture, um, exercise I was doing, the guys at gym showed me, butI was holding that ball with my feet and raising my legs high up inthe air! It looked so easy, but darn,it was HARD.
I tweeted!@wendydelmo
AND, i checked out the site. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I sometimes use a stability ball at the gym for some ab moves. Would be great to have one at home as well! Plus, I’m sure the toddler could find a million things to do with it… 😉 And I would love to have the bands for traveling…
I tweeted!
I watched the video; looks like a cool product!
I Tweeted!
I love to do abs on the ball. Awesome!
Yay- look at your LATS- hello!!
I do pikes on the ball though I hate them. Also I brought some bands (yes the kind that break and give you a bloody nose) on a trip when I was way leaner and stronger than now- I didn’t expect any results….DOMS city! woa! I’m all over this!
I tweeted (twittered? which is the correct terM???!)
Watched the vid- very cool- esp the stuff under and over the door!!
(not an entry)…I WILL be writing a post on kettlebells staring GIRL HERO this week- I’ll mention it then and that same post will serve as a guestie for Janetha Bean ’cause she’s all kinds a tired. FYI
Thanks for a cool giveaway!
I love tri pulldowns with bands! and planks on the ball!
I’d *love* to try the band for assisted pullups! I’ve had an Iron Gym which, up to this point, has only been used for leg lifts and seemingly futile pullup negatives. I admit the only reason I hadn’t tried bands before is the snapping scenario you described…I don’t think I’ve ever seen bands that appear to be as high quality as these…
I’ve also tweeted about your giveaway…check me out: @nubiennze. (:
Checked out the website at…I like the pretty colors. (: What does that say about me…? LOL
The kit looks awesome close-up though!
I like to use the ball for ab work, while my toddler likes to use it to bounce on 😉 Thank you so much!
lol!!! Love that you load up on salsa at the salsa bar too!!! lol!!! U rock!!!!
I love this giveaway!! Sweet fitness package!!
I would love to use the ball for abs and for stability when doing weights!!!
Stability ball hamstring curls!!! They are awesome!
Jenn, what a great blog-I think using the band for pull ups is nothing short of brilliant…I’d need 3! 😉
…AND…your back/shoulders look incredible. Thanks for making me WANT to do more pull up work. (work being the key word)
Thanks for being you!
I’d love to win the ball and band! I’d use them for my workouts at home since I recently had to cancel my gym membership. boo! lol Thanks! Ashley
I’d love to do some ab work with the ball and some arm resistance training with the band. I’m not experienced with bands and would love to try!
I just started doing planks/push-ups off a ball and love it. Could totally use one in my life for impromptu home sessions!
Your back is amazing!!! I want to use the bands to do pull ups also because I am starting P90X
I love using the ball for ab exercises and pushups!
I checked out the website and am definitely interested in their products. Looks very durable and dependable.
I will blog about their website when I post a blog later today!!!
I really like using the ball to do ab exercises…. particularly when I am in plank position (like the above) and roll the ball in while tightening my abs. Does that make sense? i don’t know the name of the exercise!
I love to do crunches on the ball.
Awesome giveaway! I’d sooooo wanna try the assisted pullups with the bands!
I checked out the oxygenfit website
great giveaway!! I would love the ball for ab exercises especially to increase difficulty in plank exercises. I might even use it as a chair at my desk to improve my posture. I think all the items would be great to have at home for the times I can’t make it to the gym
fave exercise using a ball-ab stuff.
you’re totally buff in that top pic…and i love it!
went to their site, great stuff over there!
and tweeted
btw, love that you hschool! I do too! well, unschool. Very active in the community in San Diego both hschool/unschooling.
Look at the muscles in your back – AMAZING! Now that is HOTT, please note the 2 tees were completely intentional and well deserved… 😉
Yeah, I second the comment about your back! HOLLA!
I’d use it for pullups. Because I am a pullup sissy.
I went to their site
Ok so I watched the video and liked that the bands are so versatile and that you can add the stick. I also liked the toning loop. Great for pilates.