Worms and Winners (Oxygenfit Giveaway Winner)
Like a lot of you, Friday night I watched Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. (If you didn’t see it you can watch it online at ABC.) I very much like his philosophy. It’s simple and doable for everyone. He also gets points for not being pretentious.
I’ll spare you my rambling thoughts about the FDA guidelines for schools, the Jack in the Box commercial that aired (do they still “air” when you are watching shows online) during one the the commercials breaks, and the melodrama that is reality tv.
Instead of pointing the finger at the people of Huntington, West Virginia. I’ll point the finger at myself.
I can do more.
Starting at home.
I realized for all my talking (and screaming, and guilt tripping, and the rest we won’t mention) about healthy real food, I’m not giving my kids many practical skills as to how to gather their own worms. When they fly away from this nest of ours I want them to be able to collect more than gummy worms. (I don’t think this worm analogy is working well in reference to my human children.) I know the chances of them taking flight straight for the farmer’s market may be slim but why not try to increase the odds?
I want to teach my kids how to cook. I teach my kids history and math why am I not teaching them something as basic and, I dare I say, more important? So we started with something small and something we all like, French toast. (You really didn’t think I’d start with a spinach eggwhite omelette, did ya?)
I didn’t need Jamie Oliver to point out the sad state of American health but I did need the reminder that big changes start small. It starts with a 9 year old, some bread, some butter, some eggs, and a big smile.
Giveaway Winner!!!!
The Oxygenfit Body Plan Kit goes to commenter number 111.
Congratulations to Jessie From Tasty Fare, Pretty Ware. Jessie, please email me with your address!!!
Hugs and High Fives,
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I totally agree with you about teaching our kids to make healthy choices! It’s hard to counteract all the junk thrown at them in school (McD’s gift certs just for reading 5 books?!) but it is possible. And I’m trying!!
Also – I LOVE that you posted your screen cap of the random num generator. I’m going to steal that idea from you for my blog m’kay??
congrats to the winner and thanks for your great comments re meat eating/veganism and also the posting of pics. you are so right that even the “before” photos albeit not YOUR faves have inspired others and that’ great. But yeah, there are some negative rude ppl out there and i fear the hate mail so need to ponder
Jamie O. Good stuff. Anthing that can save this unhealthy country who thinks yogurt in a tube and processed cheeze itz count as appropriate food for children (or adults) needs to read up a little bit or just look at the size of americas, both in girth and medical bills. change is necessary!
sorry the typos are abound in that post, but i think you get the drift
you make the cutest kiddos! i love that you are teaching them to cook. congrats to your winner! your first giveaway had a great turnout
“I didn’t need Jamie Oliver to point out the sad state of American health but I did need the reminder that big changes start small. It starts with a 9 year old, some bread, some butter, some eggs, and a big smile.”
I love that! One day your future daughter in law will thank you for that Jenn!
Awesome post. My Mother taught me how to cook from a young age and I think that’s why whole foods have never been a new concept for me, just the way I grew up eating.
Thanks for another great post!!!
Congrats to your winner!
This is so true. We not only need to feed our children healthier options, but we also need to educate them on it. I really hope I can do that with Makenzie. Maybe I should go ahead and start, even if she is so young.
Hey I recognize that little cutie!!
He’s a hiking dynamo!
And yes, french toast is a great place to start the kitchen-loving bond!
Yay for the winner- great giveaway!
I hope to teach my kids the same thing!
Your son is a cutey!!!
I am enjoying Jamie Oliver and all of the press his “mission” is getting. I say the more messages like his out there – the better!
Education is the key. The more educated you are the better food choices you will make. Congrats to the winner.