A Prayer
Yesterday morning we got up early and went to a breakfast for The National Day of Prayer. It was at a hotel on the beach and simply lovely.
When I got dressed it didn’t occur to me that I might match the decorations.
We prayed for our city, our country, and our world. I hope you don’t mind but I also said a prayer for you and I. This prayer is for all the women who, like me, are stumbling along in their quest for health.
Dear God,
Thank you for creating us as us. Help us to see ourselves and others as You see us. Help us to forgive ourselves and others as You forgive us. Help us to see beyond the the mirror on the wall or the number on the scale. Help us to see beyond the labels and hurtful words. Help us to see beyond our fears and see the potential You so generously give to us. Help us to realize our dreams even the secret ones that only You know about. Strengthen our bodies, our minds, our spirits. Help us to see our place and purpose in this crazy puzzle of life. Thank You for your steady and unwavering love.
Ummm….I hope that wasn’t too awkward. Love you guys! Have a great weekend!
Hugs and High Fives,
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What a beautiful prayer!!
I love National Day of Prayer. Thank you for praying for all of us. I think your prayer was beautiful.
Thank you for that prayer, absolutely beautiful. Love the pictures.
awe thanks for sharing your prayer. not awkward at all, im glad you posted it! and you and your boys are super cute.
side note: you MUST know about fun california beaches and hotels to stay at on the beach. help me plan my honeymoon.. 😉 i need to know the best beach/place to stay! deb is helping but she said you may know some more info.. we were looking at hermosa. but we are open to anywhere in cali!
have a great weekend! HUGS AND DOUBLE HIGH FIVES
Double high fives!! I love it!!! I’ll email you!
Your awesome Jenn! Thanks for the prayer. And really cool that you guys made the day something special. I like that. And like always, you look so cute – and your boys too!
Amen. (Thank you for sharing that beautiful, heart-felt prayer).
This may be a fluffy comment after you prayed for me (or all of us, not just me), but I love your hair! I’ve been meaning to tall you that for a while. I hope it doesn’t make you take back that prayer!
Ha ha!!! You crack me up. I’ll just add “give Katie some tact” on the the prayer. 😉 Totally kidding!!!
Wow, Jenn, I love that prayer. Thank you for praying, and thank you for sharing that with us.
love the dress on you and your beautiful family, the beach,and the prayer…lovely!
Absolutely beautiful. When we talk about prayer, that’s exactly the kind I expected to come from you
And I mean that it the best way possible.
Have a wonderful weekend friend.
Love it!!! =)
You always have such beautiful prayers. Thank you for your prayer. You looked “simply lovely” also.
First – this is such a beautiful post! I love your prayer. Especially this line: “Thank You for your steady and unwavering love.” It’s funny because it sounds so simple but sometimes His love is the hardest part for me to feel. Not because He has left me but because through hating myself I’ve left Him. I’m working on it:)
Second – I COVET your dress. You are utterly adorable.