Move It Monday: Strong like A Sequoia
Last week, I went camping in the Sequoia National Forest. It was a perfect week. Something Brent and I both needed. We left BY OURSELVES Sunday evening bringing the essentials.
My parents joined us Monday evening with Thing One and Thing Two, sometimes known as my children.
We planned to leave on Wednesday but as we started to pack up I began to cry and pout like a 3 year old Brent and I changed our minds and decided to stay one more day BY OURSELVES. As homeschooling parents this alone time is cherished.
The four days we were there I got in 3 kettlebell workouts, one with Brent, one with my dad, and one by myself.
Day One (with Brent)
Clean and Press Ladders and Swings.
4 rungs x5
Don’t remember how many swings.
Day Two (with my dad)
Kettlebell Complex
A. Cleans and Presses 5x each side
B. Heartbeat Squats 5x
C. Windmills 5x each side
D. Renegade Rows 5x each side
Repeat A-D 5 x.
Finished with 30 seconds of “Hot Potatoes”.
Teaching my dad how to do heartbeat squats. He is one cool dude with long hair.
Day Three (Light day by myself)
Clean and Press Ladders
3 rungs x 5
Skipped swings this day.
Nothing beats exercising outdoors. It’s invigorating. So invigorating, I think that is why I was able to do 100 snatches in 4 minutes and 43 seconds with the 16K (35 pound) bell ! Or maybe it was the excess of carbs I had before my workout.
(I’m not ashamed to admit I’ll eat *gasp* white pancakes occasionally. Nor am I ashamed to post pictures of myself just out of bed. Ha!)
If you have been following my blog for a while you know I’m training for the Russian Kettlebell Challenge next month. One of the requirements is the “snatch test” 100 snatches in 5 mintues and depending on your weight women have to use either the 12k (26 lb) or the 16k kettlebell. I have been losing weight so I can test with the 12k and while I’m close to the weight requirement I REALLY wanted to be able to pass with the 16K just as a personal goal of mine. Here’s a picture from the occasion! Don’t be jealous of the melon colored velour pants, they have paint stains.
I’m still planning on losing a few more pounds so I can use the 12K at the certification because I’ve heard the kettlebell you test with is the bell you are expected to use the rest of the three days. Ummm…my shoulders say “no thanks” but it felt good to pass even if only my parents and Clyde, the camp host who thought I was a freak, saw it. It made me feel strong….strong like a Sequoia. Dude, that was cheesy.
I’m not big on long posts so I’ll finish up the Sequoias recap tomorrow with some pictures from my favorite hike ever and some thoughts on walking.
Until then…
Hugs and High Fives,
Keep up with my kettlebell workouts, real food recipes, and more in one of three ways! 1. Sign up to have posts emailed to your inbox. 2. Subscribe to the RSS Feed or 3. “like” Girl Heroes on Facebook. Simple dimple!
Journey with our family on the road at New School Nomads as we live our dream traveling fulltime in RV through the United States!
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that’s great that you have the ability to workout outside in such a beautiful area. I love it.
oh and I LOVED your guest post on janethas blog. It was so well thought out and showed that some girls DO do alright with competing and that it doesn’t screw up their psyche. I think that side needs to be shown more as well.
Thanks Lisa!!
Looks and sounds like a nice, relaxing vacation!
We recently went to Tahoe, and I totally thought that you would have brought your kettlebells and worked out on the beach early in the morning! The only exercise I got in was some lake swimming (which was nice).
You’ll do great at the Russian Kettlebell Challenge!
Thanks Andrea! Swimming is awesome. I wish I wasn’t part cat.
I’d love to go to Tahoe again. I went there once when I was in 8th grade and lived in Indiana. Fourteen years later I live in the same state and haven’t been! Go figure!
I wish I looked that good first thing in the morning!! NO shame in eating white pancakes every now and then!! They are so yummy and what better time to eat them than on a camping trip – so fun!!
And can I just say I want your arms? Looks like I need to check into kettle bells for getting back in shape post-baby!! 😉
You are too sweet. Cooperative lighting.
Camping + Pancakes = Perfection!
Look at you working out on vacation! In my mind, braving nature is enough of a workout!
You are really fierce and you are looking fierce too (in a good way, fierce
). And love cool-kb-wielding Dad!! Who knew!
Loved “Dude, that was cheesy”- haha. And you look amazing first thing in the morning. PS If you don’t like long posts, then whatever you do, DON”T read my latest one!!
I loved that post, Debs!
You are looking good!! I was going to say that you looked like you lost weight, but I didn’t want to put my foot in my mouth on accident…hot in hot pants with hot hair and hot dad (i mean…err….).
Congrats on the snatching success! You will kick (melon velour covered) boot-ay at the challenge!
Katie, you kill me!!! He he!!!
congrats on ur snatches!!!! sooo awesome!!!! and again u’ve inspired me
happy u got some time away in God’s beauty!!!
Thanks Roni!
OMG! Way to go on the snatches. That SO rocks. Now you know the 26 will be a breeze! Good luck!
Thanks friend! Let’s hope!!!
I love working out/running outdoors! And yay for your dad & hubby working out w/ you. I’d love to get my hubby to walk w/ me.
Can’t wait for some hiking pics!
Outdoors is the best!
So happy you and dh got some alone time! Sounded wonderful! Oh I just know you are going to pass your test with flying colors! I just *know it*!!!!!
And I agree with Deb, you do look amazing first thing in the morning
I’m not sure about “amazing” but thanks!!! Ha ha!!
Hey there – stumbled on your blog and sooo excited to see another kettlebell mama that also brings
Them on vacation- my Hubs has been using KBs for years and last year I joined him- moving up from a 20lber to a 25lb recently (although he buys the authentic ones -I just have the target ones) anyway we took them to the beach on vacation last year and plan to do so again this year-
Funny we have 2 boys also 😉
?- your figure building – that’s not ALL kettlebells right???
If so I need a major routine change 😉
Currently webare doing ladder clean and presses and swings 😉
How fun to meet another kettlebell mama! I sent you an email but I’ve been using kettlebells almost exclusively for a year now. I’m really happy with my shoulder and arms development. I am *thinking* about doing another show and training using just kettlebells to see how it goes!