Lazy Crazy Cat Lady
This weekend I spent my first weekend alone in my house EVER. We won’t talk about how old I am and how SCARED I was. Nor will we talk about how I refused to let anyone on Facebook know I was home alone for fear that I might be friends with a closet creeper. Ya, never know.
Instead, we’ll talk about how much better Brent and the boys make my life. Not only did Brent help turn this psycho into a princess his presence also makes me take showers, eat a variety of food, and shut cabinet doors.
So Friday night, Brent and the boys left for a Cub Scout campout. I decided to stay home so I could sit around all day catch up of some stuff and avoid sleeping on the ground. After they left Friday night, I went sparring class. Speaking of sparring, check out the bruise I still have from the tournament. Thanks MMA Mama.
After sparring class I decided to get fancy in the kitchen and warmed up a microwave dinner.
Trader Joe’s Paneer Tikka Masala.
The next morning I got up and did my workout. I FINISHED my second time through Enter The Kettlebell! Strength Secret of The Soviet Supermen (b/c I so want to be a Soviet Superman) by doing clean and press ladders 5X5 with the 12K (26lb) kettlebell. Once you do 5X5 ladders it’s time to start over with the next size up.
Later, I was feeling SO CREATIVE I decided to make lunch.
Trader Joe’s Paneer Tikka Masala.
After a busy afternoon hanging on the couch with Meow Cow….
….I decided to make dinner.
Trader Joe’s Paneer Tikka Masala.
Meow Cow was not impressed.
This time I got all fancy and sautéed some squash, onions, and garlic in coconut oil to go with it because I do after all have a refrigerator full of veggies from my CSA.
Not only do Brent and the boys keep me from eating frozen food all the time, they also keep me from being the crazy cat lady. Sort of.
Hugs and High Fives,
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I hate being home alone and I’m the same way… I will not say anything about it on facebook or my blog until I can say, “Andrew will finally be home today, YAY!!” 😉
That is one serious bruise! Yikes! Glad you made it through the scary weekend. I used to be all tough when I lived by myself but now I hate being home alone!
LOL love that you ate that meal 3x!! I would so do that. I also hate being home alone. I’ll invite our dogs in and everything.
Dang, your hubby makes you shut cabinet doors too? I thought it was just mine. He says it gets on his nerves that I leave drawers and cabinets open.
That’s funny. Sometimes I leave almost every cabinet door in the kitchen open and he walks it and gives me the look.
LOL! You are a hoot. You are so adventurous. I have GOT to look for some more imaginative ways to work out. It so boring…walking, running, tennis…blah, blah, blah. I want to be a Soviet Superman!
Soviet Supermen unite! 😉
I’m giggling out loud about this. I think you’d make a great Soviet Superman, and you could give MMA mama a better bruise than that! (Not that you’d want to be that mean…)
Come to think of it…that’s a great idea. Just kidding.
3 x’s !!!! I plan on eating in n out 3 x’s while i’m visiting.
I really don’t miss the special sauce. 😉 Tee hee!!
MMAma worked your azz over good- I thought you were all protected!?
oh gosh I’m probably alone about 20% of the time and I have no problem with it- I’m so used to Derek traveling or me going to PS on my own that it’s a non-issue…except in the mountains- then I get all scurrred and creeped out. I don’t go there by myself.
So hilarious that you ate the tikka masala over and over again. Despite the fact that we always eat different meals I still buy things when he’s away that I know he hates, like eggplant. Go figgur.
Also funny b/c I’ve been eating TV dinners (as I call them) every night- a wacky “diet” that Derek has suggested for years for when I want to get some pudge off. I always felt like it was cheating by not making food from scratch. Yet I have been enjoying it tremendously b/c they have great sauces that I really love and any carbs or things I don’t usually make are already counted in the calories so I feel that I actually can eat them without feeling guilty. I’m insane, aren’t I? Makes no sense.
Hope you had fun despite being alone. I can’t think of a more wonderful guy to hang out with when hubby’s away
Didn’t she. Yeesh. We have to wear a helmet, face mask, chest protector, gloves, and shoes. However, after this, I am thinking about getting pads for my shines and forearms.
You are wonderfully insane and I <3 you just the way you are!
I can totally relate to being freaked out when the hubby is gone! I convince myself that everyone around me is a serial killer and nothing is safe. PARANOID is the word, yes 😉
I think the key is keeping busy, like you did, and treating yourself well
Nice work on those TJ’s meals. I’m a Lean Cuisine girl, myself 😉
Yeah, I must keep busy or I go a little crazy. At one point I sat on the couch and listened to all the creep sounds. NOT a good idea.
oh i love love love weekends alone….don’t want to sleep even because that would be wasting my time alone! sorry you don’t enjoy them so much;) and what a great war wound from your tournament!
Send me over some of your bravery! You make me
Holy bruise Batman! (Batgirl?) MMA, no kidding! And I too love the TJ’s!! It cracks me up what you did while your fam was gone. When J took my boys camping a few weekends ago, I took Jelly Bean and hit the mall and the library and the grocery store and pretty much jus tavoided home at all costs. It was… lonely. And messy:)