The Ideal & My Real
At times, my quest for health has felt more insane than sane. There are just so many facets to consider and opposing opinions on what is and what is not healthy that it feels like the Cheshire Cat from Disney’s version of Alice in Wonderland is doling out dietary advice. This way? That way? What way?!?!
Well today, I’m going to share the ideal and realities of my way. For all the recipes I’ve posted and articles I’ve discussed, I don’t think I’ve ever posted the details of my food philosophy. As with most things in life, I have the ideal and the real place I am currently. Enjoy!
Vegetables and Fruit
The Ideal – A wide variety of in season, organic, local vegetables and fruit. Including a serving of lacto-fermented veggies or fruits a day.
My Real– I don’t love nor hate vegetables. I do eat a lot of them and as it happens most of them are local and organic because there are a number of great CSA’s in my area. I love fruit. However our CSA doesn’t provide us with much so I’m faced with the choice between Trader Joe’s and adding one more stop to my to-do list so I can go to the farmer’s market. I choose Trader Joe’s and try to buy organic fruit grown in the USA but admit that I will buy things occasionally from other countries. I enjoy lacto-fermented foods but I’ve yet to make eating lacto-fermented vegetable and fruits a daily practice. I’ve had two jars of lacto-fermented salsa in my fridge for over 2 months.
The Ideal – Local, pastured and organic. No pork or shellfish.
My Real – This is the toughest one as I’ve found it to be the most expensive choice. I’ve been making changes as our budget allows. I buy organic not always grass fed beef. I buy wild caught fish sometimes even right off the boats. I’ve been buying chicken from Trader Joe’s and it’s usually not organic. I’ve contacted a local farmer about buying half a cow to split with friends. I’m also planning to order a bunch of high quality chickens in my next Azure Standard order. I’m not perfect but I’m trying because I don’t want to support big factory farms that don’t treat their animals or more importantly their workers with respect. In regards to pork, I will have bacon about twice a year and shellfish about the same. Deciding to not eat pork was about the easiest food choice I’ve ever made.
The Ideal – Organic, raw (unpasteurized) local dairy.
My Real – When our budget allows it I prefer our dairy to be raw. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been in the budget as of late. Instead, I buy organic whole fat dairy products. The only low-fat dairy product I buy is cottage cheese from Trader Joe’s. They only carry the organic in low-fat. I’m looking into joining a raw dairy co-op. I just started purchasing raw cheese from Azure Standard. It was great and plan to buy it again.
The Ideal – I wouldn’t even bother with grains since it takes effort (and I’m lazy) to prepare them properly by soaking or fermenting to neutralize, the phytic acid. ( Phytic acid can block the absorption of important minerals which can lead to deficiencies.)
My Real – Even though I don’t believe grains are an ideal source of nutrition, (I don’t buy the bull that is the food pyramid but that’s another post for another day.) the truth is, I like them. Over time, I have found myself making more of an effort to soak and sprout them. It’s certainly not hard, it just takes a little planning. Due to convenience, I eat a lot Ezekiel bread products. I occasionally eat pasta or rice.
The Ideal – Organic soaked or sprouted grains to ensure they are digestible and the nutrients available to the body.
My Real – For the most part the real and ideal are the same. I buy our beans in bulk. Then I soak, cook, and freeze them. Not only are these healthier but canned beans are really expensive comparatively.
The Ideal – Soaked or sprouted nuts to activate enzymes that aid in digestion.
My Real – I usually buy raw nuts with the intention of soaking them but more often than not I decided I want some before I have a chance. I do love the way they taste after they have been soaked and dried.
The Ideal – High quality unrefined animal and vegetable fats.
My Real – Fats are my favorite macronutrient. Yum! I eat a variety of fats of all types EXCEPT transfats. My favorites are coconut oil, expeller pressed olive oil, butter, and nut butters.
The Ideal – Very limited amounts of natural sweeteners like honey, molasses, and maple syrup.
My Real – I eat sweets that are homemade made with natural sugars. I don’t like to bake so I don’t enjoy those very often. One of my favorite treats is a small bowl of nuts mixed with maple syrup. I may or may not eat this often. 😉 I use artificial sweeteners sparingly.
The Ideal – Water, teas, kombucha, limited amounts of alcohol and coffee.
My Real – I drink lots of water. I also usually drink a few glasses of green or black tea and one glass of kombucha a day. I actually quit drinking coffee every day and now I drink it once or twice a week. (I’m still in shock.) I drink alcohol, usually vodka on the rocks, 😉 about once a month. I do enjoy drinks like SoBe’s Life Water and fruit juice from time to time. VERY RARELY I will drink a diet soda (2-3 a year?)
Processed/Refined Foods
While I’m being real. I decided long ago that I wanted to occasionally enjoy somethings that can’t be justified as healthy in any way. Things like Long John Silvers (my favorite fast food restaurant as a kid) or Cheetos. Sure in my ideal world, I would never eat Cheetos but I’d also own a ranch full of purebred Arabian horses, travel to Fiji regularly, and have 0 cellulite. In my real world, I don’t buy processed foods on the regular. They are a waste of money and I just don’t want that stuff in my house tempting me or my family. BUT I will eat processed food sparingly if I’m on a road trip, at a party, or get a craving that just won’t go away. Ninety percent or more of the the time, I’m eating “responsible” foods that nourish my body so I won’t feel guilty over an occasional treat. Even if it is a Filet-O-Fish from McDonalds. Don’t judge.
What about you? What is your food philosophy? Do you ever eat fast food? I’m curious do I have any “traditional food” readers???
Hugs and High Fives,
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Our food philosophies are soooo similar! And our idea and real are quite similar, too. But I think you are doing a bit better than me on some…
I also like raw milk and cheese but don’t buy it very often as it’s not really in the budget.
And yes, I do sometimes eat and drink things that are not great for me. Well, one thing I really should change is my daily dose of coffee. I will make another attempt to stop it… I stopped a nasty diet coke habit a few years ago and didn’t have any for over a year. Now I can have one every few months (like you, a few a year). I haven’t had fast food in quite a while, but if we are out of town, I will have some.
I think when it comes to food choices what really matters is what you do in your every day life, and there is some “wiggle room” for occasional, not-so-healthy foods and drinks. Yes, and that’s why I should stop drinking so much coffee every day!!!
I eat a high fat and protein, low carbohydrate diet and one that is mostly grain free, but completely gluten free. All the fats come from animal products or nuts and I eat a lot lot lot of vegetables.
I agree that is is really hard to buy local, organic, raw, etc. often. I wish it was a little more cost effective! I am interested to hear how it works out to purchase a cow share.
I am definitely not a traditional eater. I try to buy organic too, but I do it when I can. I’m with you on the food pyramid thing (wow, I’m getting really weird deja vu right now…) and grains. And, the lazy factor certainly comes into play there. 😉
Coconut oil is the best!! And I’d love to try raw dairy but it’s illegal ( I know!) here in Minnesota and I’m not motivated enough to try and find it on the black market. I also keep meaning to try making my own “ezekiel” bread because I love bread but I won’t eat the regular stuff and the sprouted stuff is super pricey and really hard to find here. It can’t be that hard to make, right? Famous last words.
And… you just reminded me to go soak the bag of almonds I just bought. (Can you tell my food philosophy is pretty much yours??)_
So we are at like 132 to 1 with music being our one difference. I have not clue on the Ezekiel bread. Brent and I were just looking for recipes and none of them looked “right”. If you find one that’s not too difficult let me know. If I’m too lazy to bake cookies you can imagine my motivation to bake bread. 😉
This was great to read. I see so many bloggers that seem like they hit their target 110% of the time with no crap food (and even their indulgences are like…one organic glass of wine or a half sliver or dark chocolate…c’mon now!) I know there’s a diff between even the best intentions and how things actually play out…I’m loving reading how you balance it. Health is totally a journey, not just one set static standard!
That wouldn’t be me. I’ll like Long John Silver’s to the day I die. I just thank God there is not one in my town. 😉
I think your reality is basically my ideal. You do an amazing job. I just try to make the best choices I can that fit with our lifestyle every day.
And you do a GREAT job!!!!!
Yet another fab post, sweets! I do like occasional fast food but it’s hard to find something veggie friendly. More often than not my “fast food” is Quizno’s or Subway. But that doesn’t mean I don’t crave french fries like crazy.
I totally like Cheetos or potato chips sometimes. They are good but I don’t go nuts on them like I used to.
Oh and I don’t follow a strict veg diet like no eggs or dairy. I just do what I can and sometimes it’s not status quo.
I still remember how odd we thought it was when you gave up pork way back when. If only we knew what was to follow
You do such a great job and you make me want to eat better.
I love reading your ideals vs. your reality. I eat pretty close to my ideals but I have no option not to…if I don’t I get horrible stomach aches and I definitely don’t want to experience those for a few minutes of food bliss.
I don’t eat fast food anymore mostly because it doesn’t appeal to me. But I do crave a Subway sandwich here and there and if I could eat the gluten I would certainly go indulge in one!
Cheetos, Arabian horses, and zero cellulite appeal to me too. Let me know if you find a way to indulge in all three with zero consequences.
Great post! I really like the fact you acknowledged the difference between real and ideal…Loved it!
Oh man, I’m the rogue in this convo. I don’t have an ideal like you do. So virtuous- even your real is way virtuous! All I try to stick with is buying the organics of the dirty dozen and keep it to under 3 diet cokes a day. Kidding. Sorta. I try to eat lower carb than a ‘normal’ person. I try to eat more protein but I totally have ham probably daily. And lots of fish. Not much beef. Lots of chix. Lots of eggs (try for organic). Organic milk, but not raw. I’m pretty lenient. And you know how I feel about processed foods- you’ve been inside my crazy pantry.
Perhaps one day when I have more mojo about it, I’ll be a better person and make better choices. Til then, it’s about calories and keeping myself sane.
I’m with you on the cheetos, and the filet-o-fish. I’ve never experienced long john silvers though.