Move It Monday
I haven’t mentioned it because I try not to complain to you guys but I have had a pulled hamstring and some serious lower back pain the last few months. As a result, I had backed off and modified some of my training. During my Thanksgiving vacation, I took it easy and stuck with light kettlebell work, videos on Exercise TV, (I would sooo love to make an exercise DVD of my own someday!), and lots LOTS of stretching. All of it paid off because my leg and lower back are now pain free. (I’m going to try and do a post on getting rid of the pain in my lower back soon.) So this weekend, I did the first high intensity workout in almost 2 months.
Part One
Descending Rep Ladders – Pull Up/Clean and Press
Pull Ups 5
Double Clean and Press 5 (12kg/26lb bell)
Pull Ups 4
Double Clean and Press 4
Pull Ups 3
Double Clean and Press 3
Pull Ups 2
Double Clean and Press 2
Pull Up 1
Double Clean and Press 1
Repeat 2x. Total of 30 pull ups and 30 clean and presses. Took roughly minutes. When I couldn’t do a strict pull up (which, sadly, after a month of light work wasn’t long), I switched to negatives. (Jump to the top of a pull up position and slowly lower yourself.)
Part Two
I set my gymboss on 30 second intervals.
30 seconds of kb swings (20kg/44lb bell)
30 seconds of rest
30 seconds of sparring the bag (kicking the crap out of an imaginary person)
30 seconds of rest
Repeat 10x for a total of 20 minutes.
Oh. My. Goodness. This was so fun. Want proof? The picture at the top?
This is what I really looked like!
And I wonder how I pulled my hamstring. 😉
Hope you got in an awesome workout this week!
Hugs and High Fives,
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You look completely badass.
It’s an act.
Holy 747 batman you are flying! You sure did keep quiet about your injuries- I had no idea! How did you manage to go to your intense classes? I’m so glad that you are better now! A week off is all it took?
You’d be great at having an exercise video!
No, it took longer than a week. I wasn’t very clear. Sorry. The last few months I had been taking it easy, working out less, and avoiding things like overhead or back loaded squats (anything that put pressure on my lower back and caused it to extend). Thankfully, it was my left hamstring that was pulled so I just kept all my left kicks low in class. Basically, I pulled back my intensity and worked around my injuries.
I think it’s the camera angle making the jump look high. 😀
Um, your “easygoing” workout looks really hard, lol!
I say GO FOR IT! Make your own workout DVD and sell it here! I would TOTALLY buy it!!!!
Oh no no, I wasn’t very clear. This wasn’t an easygoing workout for me. I’ve been taking it easy and this was my first high intensity workout in a while due to my injuries!!! Thanks for the encouragement. 😀
I agree w/ Alyssa.
I would be drenched but you are a beast! I’m glad you are mostly pain free!!
Thanks friend!!!
I wonder what the neighbors think of the crazy lady in her garage. You are a force to be reckoned with!
He he! I think I fit right in with our neighbor who stand out on the front lawn cracking his bullwhip.
Holy cow you are amazing!!! I love those action shots! You get great height! I’m sorry about the pulled hammie/back but I’m glad to hear it’s improving! Did KBs this morning and thought fondly of you!
low back pain….ooooohhhhh….i had a bout with that recently and it seriously puts a cramp in the workout schedule! I did lots of stretches also and cut back. I would love to hear how you fixed your pain!
And i LOVE intense workouts after taking a break! those are the best!