Need some advice! (and giveaway winner)
It’s no small miracle that I’m asking for I need some advice.
Request for Advice #1
My sister has said in the past that that one thing she would never give up is dairy. Ironically, my sister found out her new baby is lactose intolerant. Go figure. Does anyone know of any good sites, recipes, or blogs that might help my sister out??? Please feel free leave links!
Request for Advice #2
I don’t mind being personal, after all, I’ve shared my battles with depression. However, I feel like I’m entering and scared as hell unfamiliar territory. Aging. Okay, so I know I’m not old but as of late I’ve felt older. Not physically. Mentally. Is this normal??? It’s sort of taking me by surprise and honestly, I’m not sure I like it, although I hesitate to call it “bad”.
I’ve always said I want to age gracefully but not passively.
Exercise. Check.
Healthy diet. Check.
Sleep. Half-checked.
Mentally. Checked out. 😉
I’m not sure where this is coming from…maybe my mom’s recent cancer diagnosis, the fact I have an almost 11 year old boy, or that my teenage nephew looked at me like I had a third eye when I asked if Justin Beiber was in Twilight.
Does anyone have any book or blog recommendations regarding aging? Something honest, real, and uplifting?
Great Fitness Experiment Book Winner
Comment #1. No joke.
Melissa from Melissa Nibbles said –
“That sounds like a cool book. I really want to know what she says about the Tracey Anderson method. I did it and it is bogus. It’ll take you a freakin’ month to even learn the 10 stupid dance routines.”
Thanks to all of you who entered.
Does anyone else ever feel older mentally? What do you do with those feelings? I wouldn’t call them bad but new and I’m just not quite sure what to do with them.
Do you know any helpful dairy free blogs or recipes?
Hugs and High Fives,
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I refuse to think am getting older but am feeling it too… Maybe time to do yoga or some sort of meditation just to calm the nerves….
Sorry that your sister’s baby is lactose intolerant. Unfortunately, no advice there.
Getting older? Oh yes. I have been dealing with it for a while… I haven’t read anything that really helped and was actually going to search for some blogs. I even was thinking of starting a new blog myself to have an outlet dedicated to what I’m dealing with and maybe also to accumulate some resources. I’ll let you know if I come across anything.
Oh, and of course you are not old, just look at older people (like me) and you’ll realize how young you are!
Have you read Stephanie Dolgoff’s “My Formerly Hot Life: Dispatches from just the other side of young”? Totally what you need to read! You will love. I laughed so hard. And your sister’s predicament is exactly what happened to me. I had to give up dairy for almost a year for my baby. My best advice? You do get used to it. And avoid imitation dairy products. “Cheez” is disgusting and 99% of it still has casein in it which is what the baby is usually allergic to anyhow. I enjoyed a lot of vegan cookbooks (and would just add some meat on the side).
Ah, aging. At 42, I’m feeling better than ever in most ways, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel it nonetheless. Mostly mentally, as well.
I recently married for the second time and while my husband and I love the idea of having children together, it does not seem terribly likely for an array of financial and physical circumstances. I had pretty much come to terms with not being a mom after divorcing my first husband, an alcoholic. But being madly in love sure can reignite the desire. And yet we are having so much fun in our new marriage and want to be able to thoroughly enjoy each other, which makes the unlikelihood of parenting a bit easier to swallow.
What’s more, I like having as much time and freedom as I do, so I can, for example, be there for my sister at a moment’s notice to watch my two nieces. There is so much to be said for being an aunt, and I love it — and those girls — a ridiculous amount. So I live vicariously and don’t have to face the potential fertility issues I’d surely have due to age and fibroids.
Age is so much what you make of it, so much in our minds. As cliched as it sounds, I really do believe that. You strike me as a very youthful, vibrant, and lovely soul, whatever the calendar might be telling you. Keep shining your light, Jenn!
Once you learn substitutions, (egg replacer), (milk alternatives such as nut milks etc)
Karina can always be counted on for gluten free, and most of the time dairy free (if not use substitues) AMAZING food!!!
Thank I visited them all. Gave me hope
Just educate yourself on the disadvantages of having a soy rich diet in children. Yes it’s a great milk alternative, but…. just evaluate for yourself.
Secondly, on this whole milk thing, just because a baby (you didn’t list the age of the child mentioned) is per say lactose intolerant, doesn’t necessarly mean REAL RAW milk intolerant. Most of the time what the baby is allergic to is only found in heavily processed milk and milk products. Our daiy industry approved by the FDA allows some pretty nasty stuff to be done to our commericially available products.
My baby, age 22 months, has multiple chemical sensitivity and lactose is one of them. However, when I pulled her off everything commericially made, and found a supply of raw milk, which I made into baby formula, (there are many many good recipes out there), there was no problem.
Now I don’t know about her specifically so of course I am not giving advice, I am simply sharing my own experience.
After what I found out about the dairy industry I will never again touch commercially produced milk and milk products! Same goes for most commercially produced vegitables and meats.
I am a proud momma who’s baby is plastic free, diaper free (ec method) soy free, and grocery store free and lovin it!
Many autism websites have resources for dairy/casein-free recipes, cookbooks, websites, etc. There’s a great cookbok called “The ADD/Autism Cookbook” which has lots of good dairy-free stuff. You might also try “Cooking for Isiah.”. And my personal favorite, the cookbook from Babycakes NYC. All the recipes are gluten, dairy, and refined sugar-free and taste yummy!
It’s funny, lately I’ve been feeling EXACTLY the way you describe! I find that yoga, tai chi and other centering exercises, added to my regular workouts, help a lot, as does reading about self-empowerment. Yes, some of it’s a bit cheesy, but it works.
Oh gosh, my heart goes out to your sister. It’s hard to give up dairy. I had to do that for a period of time when nursing Baby Boy and it was rough on me but really for him, it’s worth it. Unfortunately, I don’t know much of anything about lactose intolerance.
About getting older mentally, even though I’m in my 30s, I do feel as if I’m getting older. I look at things in a different way then when in the 20s. I guess it’s best to roll w/ it. I know. My advice sucks.
Hi Jenn- I found those sites above by just googling. There seems to be a wealth of info out there as dairy intolerance is so prevalent.
Re. aging. Hmm. Where to start? Honestly, I’ll just be cheesy and use a chiche: You are as old as you feel. Yes, you can do physical things to make yourself look as young as possible and I’m all for that as you know. But the mental part is unchangeable by anyone but you.
Personally, I do not see you in any way as old. For goodness sakes, you happen to be one of the coolest moms I know. I would have died to have you as a mom. You are energetic and adventuresome and competitive (in a good way) and you dress cool and you’re pretty. Seriously girl, what are you thinking?
Put it this way. I hang out with 24 yr olds who feel that I am somewhat their equal. I hang out with 70 yr olds who feel the same. That’s because the 24 yr olds and 70 yr olds all feel about 27 and that’s what I feel
Make sense?
My advice: don’t fight it. If you feel older, that’s totally fine! If you feel younger, great. Whatever you feel, that’s what you are.
And I’m sending you hugs re. your mom- I need to email you to get an update.
I just had my first “Holy Cow, I’m OLD!” moment last Saturday. I walked into my cousin’s house where there was a bunch of cute younger guys sitting around watching a sports game when one of them turned out to be my 16 year old nephew who in his deep manly voice said, “Hey Auntie C.” Then this man who is taller than me (and used to be my little nephew) gave me a hug and I realized that these guys were NOT thinking “Who’s the hot chick?” but rather “Who’s the old lady?” Not one of my finer moments.
my daughter just turned 11 and that was the hardest birthday ever. I didn’t realize it would be this hard. I don’t necessarily feel older…..but i was very sad…and it takes a lot to get me sad!
Thank you four your help, info, and support. I never realized that dairy is in almost everything. Soy isn’t an option as they think she might be allergic to it as well. It’s just making me eat more fresh foods. I have found some substitutes that I like almost just has well. Dark Chocolate Almond Milk, Yum! I appreciated the links. Very helpful. Thank you also Jenn. – little sister
Hi! I love how informative and great your articles are. Can you recommend any other Food Blog Names or blogs that go over the same topics? Thanks a lot!