Battle of the Weeds WORKout.
I didn’t “workout” once all weekend.
Instead, I pulled weeds, raked, trimmed, and shoveled.
In the five years I’ve lived in my house, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve done yard work.
Pathetic. True.
(Maybe, that would explain the GIGANTIC fern-like weed overtaking my orange tree.)
I love this sort of “exercise” even though my yard says otherwise.
It feels like what my body was meant to do.
Clean the garage, unload the car after a trip to costco, scrub floors, rearrange furniture, play with my kids.
Not sit infront of a flickering screen all day.
…you can ignore your mother’s requests for help climb trees for exercise.
Do you consider physical work “a workout”?
If so, what sort of work gives you a good “workout”?
Do you like to climb trees?
Hugs and High Fives,
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Oh yes! I’ve even worn my heart rate monitor during yard work and seen that I burn just as much calories. I’m a big yard work girl- love it! And feels so natural.
How do you look cute doing gardening? Sigh….life isn’t fair.
I definitely consider it a workout. When I lived in WV, I would shovel snow b/c it was a great workout. Unfortunately we dont have snow here but I love how strong I felt while doing it.
I definitely think that housework, whether indoors or outdoors, is exercise. I have always loved to clean indoors, but for the most part hate yard work. Ironically enough though I love to shovel snow. It is just such a relaxing workout.
Sounds like a nice productive weekend though, I wish I crossed that much off my to do list this weekend!
I was going to ask the same question as Tiffany. I garden and I can tell you that I DO NOT look like that.
I have definitely worked up a sweat while doing housework.
When I shovel snow, I concentrate on form and alternating sides. That’s a great workout.
Last summer, I dug out a lot of sod and put in a retaining wall and garden plot. I gained a lot of upper body strength and core work lifting the wall bricks and soil in-and-out of hand-trucks at the store, in-and-out of the van, and up the hill in our yard. It was great.
Once I had to move all of our firewood from the driveway to the back of the house. I love that kind of labor. I think I would do well on a farm…with no animals, of course.
At last! Someone with real exitrepse gives us the answer. Thanks!
Of course physical work is a workout! and you get a lovely result too!
I remember when I was i culinary school, within a months, I had guns of steel from making hollandaise and mayo (whisking by hand!). No dumbells ever gave me arms like that!
I think physical work is the BEST kind of workout – I love using my body for its intended purposes. Sometimes I step back and look at all my weightlifting, tready running etc. and just think how ridic it all is. 100 years ago, I could have chopped some wood – getting a workout and heating my house.
Physical work is an all over body workout in my book! I break a serious sweat mopping! That’s the kind of workout The Lover does.
I do like to climb trees but not sure I’d remember how these days.
Exteemrly helpful article, please write more.