This past weekend we went to Arizona to visit my grandparents and to compete in a taekwondo tournament. It was supposed to be a fun mini vacation. Unfortunately, my lack of sleep finally caught up with me and I spent a good part of the last 5 days in bed sick. Aside from a little bit of email, this is my first time on the computer since last Thursday.
Ignoring common sense, I did manage to compete in the tournament on Saturday.
It was a small ring but I ended up placing first in both of my events.
I thought I was going to pass out during my second sparring match. At two minutes (the time limit), we tied and went to “sudden death” (the next person to get a point wins). It turned out not to be more like prolonged death with neither of us scoring for another minute or two. Finally, I got a kick in to win the match. I felt too sick to care.
My crew was super happy for me though!
My grandma and grandpa.
Not only did I score at taekwondo I scored at Target.
I realized on the drive out to Arizona I forgot my swimsuit. Boo. There is nothing I hate shopping for more than swimsuits. It’s been over 3 years since I’ve bought a swimsuit because I just dislike the entire process so much. Since it’s the middle of winter and I’m not up for spending an entire day driving around town looking for swimsuits, Target seemed like the best best despite the fact Target wins the award for WORST dressing room lighting EVER. Seriously. The lady at the dressing room should pass out Xanax along with the numbers. I took in a huge pile of swimsuits hoping to find something decent and to come away from the scary fun house mirror dressing room halfway sane. Much to my surprise, SHOCK I found a swimsuit that I love. I love it it so much I have to share it.
It seems a little weird to share this on my blog but, seriously, I love it so much and you guys are my friends and if I show you pictures of The Braxtons well then I can show you anything.
Ignore the I’ve been sick for 4 days, kicked in the head, and makeup-less face. Seriously, I love this suit. It works great for a pear shape like mine. It’s modest for a two piece. It has a slight retro vibe. It was under $40.
Nothing like finding a good swimsuit to make a sick girl feel better.
Hugs and High Fives,
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Whoo, SCORE! That is one hot swimsuit and one hotter body!!! Congrats on the tournament too :
Thanks, Faith!
It’s the suit FOR SURE!
Look at those Abbies!!! You rock girl.
Awww you remembered “The Abbeys”! I’m touched. 😀
Congrats! And, um…i don’t notice a “pear shape,” i notice perfection! Great bikini! One day i’ll wear a bikin, one day! *shakes fist at self*
Thanks Annabel. That is why I LOVE this suit. The fabric and cut of the top gives me the appearance of volume. The cut and ties at the bottom narrow the hips. Seriously, I don’t post measurements for various reasons on my blog but I am most definitely “a pear”.
Love the picture with you, GG, and TT. I’m going to print your bikini picture as motivation for a bikini summer for me
Congrats on your 1st in AZ.
Thanks Jess. Seeing how our bodies are almost identical I think you would love this suit as much as I do.
can your grandparents adopt me? can I have you abs? I think that suit i super cute. I can never find ANY suits because my “shape” is a blueberry. Short and round!
I love blueberries and I’m sure my grandparents would love to adopt you! 😉
Love the suit, and you look fab, despite being sick. So sorry to hear that, though. I had the crud a couple of weeks ago, no fun. Hope you’re all better asap!!! <3
Thanks, friend!
great job despite the sickness! and i think you look awesome rocking the ‘kini!
“kini”. I’ve never heard that. Cute!
You look fantastic in the bikini! I got mine last year from Target, too.
Great job at your tournament as well!
Target has a lot of great suits. Thanks!
i love the suit! and your abs are to die for. you look amazing!!
Congratulations on kicking arse at the tourney! What a game face.
You look beautiful and def rocking a hot suit and hot body. I need a top like that. My boobies have served my children well but not so much me. 😉
Awesome job at taekwondo meet! You look great in you cute new swimsuit!
Thanks, Rebecca!
You are so amazing! Congrats on your meet! Seriously, kicking someones butt, let alone when you are sick, is a mark of amazing athleticism.
And you are my stomach icon – you look great and that suit it too cute!
Wow. You made my day. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of myself as an athlete much less someone with a mark of amazing athleticism. *blush*
I don’t think you’re as “pear shaped” as you think you are! You look great in that suit!! Perfect color too. And I loved all the action shots of you fighting, I mean sparring;) So intense!
Thanks! I suppose if you go by shoulder and hip width I’m not an extreme pear shape. However, I tend to think of pear being more the proportion of hips to chest and then I’m most def. a pear.
Congrats on double firsts at the tourney! [=
And jeez, I’m gonna ask you this again…let’s trade bodies. You are SOO tiny!
You look bikini awesome…good on you!
great that you won, even while being sick. You look wonderful in the swim suit. Very cute suit. Not sure I would call you a pear shape. Looks pretty perfect to me. I would know those pink curtains anywhere, wish I was in Grandma’s guest room instead of here in the snow!
Great job on the tournament. Can’t believe you competed when you were sick! Hope you are all better by now!
Great swimsuit. Love the color and the cut. You look AMAZING!