Forever young.
This weekend Brent and I took off for Vegas for the day.
6:45 AM : Left the house
By 8 AM: we made it to the Mojave Desert.
Noon: Arrived at the classy Sante Fe Station for the tournament.
2 PM: I competed.
I fell and…
…got this.
I got first place in both of my events.
I was really happy.
But what’s even better…
…making new friends!
I met these girls last week in AZ and they are a nice group of gals!
3 PM: Hit the road.
We spent all of 3 hours in Vegas.
(We party hard.)
I didn’t gamble one cent. If I wasn’t such a tight wad so frugal…
…I would have played “Kitty Glitter”.
5 PM: Stopped at the Mad Greek in Baker where things got a little “craaaazy“.
Check out this feast for two.
I was so excited about the tabouleh that I got choked on the first bite.
I have” mad” skillz and I “saved my own life” by pulling this out of my own throat.
(I know. Yes, the picture in your head is as it sounds. Yuck. )
Seriously, Mad Greek, you might want to DICE THE PARSLEY!
6:PM : The sun begins to set.
Nothing as beautiful as Greek statues, sunsets, and gas stations.
9:PM : Arrived home and decided to hell with getting old.
Forever young.
Hugs and High Fives,
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You’re so bad ass you choke on parsley.
Congrats on first place! When did you start Tae kwon do? Have you been doing since you were a kid? Really want my oldest to try it.
I would have at least put $5 into the Kitty Glitter.
Thanks Jen!
No I haven’t been doing tkd since I was a kid. I started two years ago. I think it’s great sport for kids. Just make sure you visit the studio a few times to observe classes and ask a lot of questions. You really want to make sure you like the program, atmosphere, and teachers. Also be careful about contracts, extra fees, extra programs, ect. Taekwondo is notorious for that stuff and a lot of it is worth the cost…just make sure to ask so you are prepared for it.
I would have totally put $5 in had I been able to use cash. Instead, it required a trip to get money on a card or something. I know. I live under a rock. It just seemed like too much hassle.
Congrats on 1st place! You rock!
Love the photos! Beautiful.
That piece of parsley is SCARY…
Thanks Andrea! That parsley was scary! Even though I laugh now, I was actually a bit shaken up by it at the time.
This makes evynitherg so completely painless.
Haha, love it – the drive to and from Vegas is just gorgeous, don’t you agree? 😉
Congrats on your competition!
Thanks Monica!
Woohooo 1st place mama! And that roundhouse to the naked statue is pretty awesome too. Sounds like you guys had a great trip! I’m so jealous of your non-snowy warmth!!!
Charlotte, I did that kick for you. Seriously. You mentioned something about wanting to spank the statue last time I went to the Mad Greek so I thought I’d kick it for you. I was just too dang tired last night when I wrote the post that I entirely forgot to mention it.
Thinking of you with that storm moving in.
PS You have an open invitation to visit anytime you’d like.
Yah but can you do the one-person Heimlich?
Love love love that first photo of Mojave, and the two of you. Sorry about your oww-ee. The statues crack me up and I can relate. My car wash here in PS has a HUGE Statue of Liberty statue. Um, why?
Congrats on your tourney! Keep up this lifestyle and you’ll never get old.
Oh man, a huge Statue of Liberty at the carwash? Awesome!!!! Love that sort of thing.
As far as I know, I can’t do the one-person Heimlich. Is that where are supposed to ram your diaphragm into a table? Maybe I should have tried that instead of reaching down my own throat?
One-man (woman) heimlich is best done over the back rest of a chair.
And yes, I secretly love that Statue of Liberty statue- I once took a rad photo of it with Mr San Jacinto in the back. I can see it making its way onto the blog
PS Kitty glitter- um, I might have to give that a go.
Whoa! what a day! U’m Im a jew so you know I’m beyond too cheap to gamble. But for “kitty glitter”??? hmm tempting!
I have not been to vegas since I was eight. EIGHT! can you believe it! There was no bellagio and we stayed at Exculibur! nothing like sleeping in sherwood forest..
So funny! I’m not sure how old you are but it has been a long time for you considering LA isn’t far! Last year, was the first time I went to Vegas since I was 21. It’s really not my thing. I’m cheap and get generally upset over the exploitation of human weakness. However, I have a number of tournaments there this year so I’m making the best of it and so far it hasn’t included any gambling. But the “kitty glitter” almost had me.
Congratulations on 1st place! You rock! And you rock even more for saving your own life. That is def scary! I miss Vegas. It’s been YEARS since we’ve gone and I’m way too cheap now anyway. Kids tend to do that to you, right?
Thanks Retta and you are SO RIGHT!! Ha ha!!
Hi there!
Sounds like you’re one of them yourself with your tournament wins! Oh, and I’ve choked/ fumbled with my food or drink many times when all excited to eat it or really thirsty hehe.
Love your blog and the mad powerful ladies on the header
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon toedopr.
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?