A Mother’s Day Pilgrimage – Hiking Cold Springs Trail and the Santa Barabara Lululemon
Breakfast in bed?
Cuddling, kisses, love letters, a hike and my FIRST pair Lululemon pants?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Oh and a steak, grilled artichokes, and my favorite salad for dinner prepared by none other than Grill Hero himself.
YES! Man, I love that guy.
The morning started out with cuddling and cards. If you know me well, then you know I’m sort of touchy feely I LOVE to cuddle. It’s pretty much my idea of perfect. Put it together with sweet love letters from my kids and I’m good for life.
Thing 2’s “love letter”. It says, “you’re just the right mom for just the right kid”. He tells me that he came up with that himself.
Thing 1’s “love letter”. It made me laugh and cry. Here is an excerpt, “Thank you for sacrificing your time to homeschool us and entertaining us with your horn sounds and actions.” Ummmm…I’ll leave my “horn sounds and actions” to your imagination.
After breakfast we went to church and then to Santa Barbara for… “the pants”. Before coming home we went on a lovely hike on Cold Springs Trail.
Now about “the pants”.
This was my first pilgrimage visit to a Lululemon store. While people have been raving about Lululemon for years, I’m not one to buy into hype and I have NEVER EVER spent over $50 on a pair of jeans. My favorites are a pair of Levis I got on sale for $23. True.
Most of my workout clothes are old t-shirts that are now too ratty for every day wear, from discount stores like Marshall’s or Ross, and I’ve even been known to buy workout clothes from thrift stores. Don’t judge.
I’m just cheap really frugal and have a have hard time spending money on luxuries with so many people in the world lacking necessities. But since my training business, Iron Vigor, is continuing to grow and I’ll speaking about kettlebells with Lisa From Workout Mommy at Fitbloggin’ in a few weeks, I felt like I could justify “needed” a pair of nice pants.
But to make parting with my hard earned cash easier…
…I ran into my friend, Martha, at the store! Anyway, what are the odds that she and I would both decide to drive up to Santa Barbara to go to Lululemon for the first time on Mother’s Day!?!?! It turned out to be a huge blessing because not only was I having a hard time spending the $$$ on a pair of pants she helped me to pick out the best pair. I originally thought I would get the Run Inspire crops but ended up, after getting honest feedback from Martha and the girls working there, (Me? High maintenance? Noooo….) getting the Wander Under Reversible Crops.
I’ve only been wearing them a few hours but so far? Love. Them. They are so soft, stretchy, and much more flattering than the cheap tights I’ve been wearing for years. If they are really able to “withstand 5 years of physical athletic abuse” as the tag states, heck, if they look/feel half as good in half that time I’ll be a convert for sure.
Speaking of recent well loved workout gear. The winner of the New Balance Trail Minimus was Rebecca.
Thank you to all you entered!! I wish I could give you all a pair of shoes. Really I do!! There is still time to enter the $100 Spa Finder Gift Card Giveaway. Check out my Olay Total Effects Line and Dark Circle Minimizing Brush review to enter to win!
What did you do on Mother’s Day? Do you have any Lululemon items? If so what’s your favorite? Is it difficult for you spend to money on nice things? Anyone else going to Fitbloggin’?
Hugs and High Fives,
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I adore adore the letters.
so glad you had a nice day.
It was a fab one here too—filled with everything the 5 year old selected to do
Thanks Miz. Happy to hear you had a fabulous Mother’s Das as well!
Wow, sounds like you had a great Mother’s Day! That is so weird about her being there at the exact time, I think of it as a sign you were definitely supposed to get those pants. I’ve never been there since everything is out of my price range and like you, don’t buy into hype. I am a girl on a budget and am fine with shopping at places like Ross, Marshalls, etc.
I know I couldn’t believe it when I walked in. I LOVE places like Ross, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, ect. I think I would still shop there even if I didn’t live on a budget.
Great day!! I never spend that kind of money on clothing either. I’m way too cheap. I think I once spent about $15 on workout pants and it nearly killed me.
Ha ha!! I know what you mean. I was moaning and whining all evening. My friend finally sent me a text that said, “Enjoy them.” In other words… get over it.
The love letters are adorable. As are the pants-is that the official photo or is it you in the pants? Look great either way. Argh we talked about fit blogging and were gonna put dates in the calendar and it never happened. Now I have a feeling it’s too late with all of our other travel plans. Shoot me an email anyway just in case.
I spend very very little money on clothes. The exception: a few prs of jeans that I still wear all the time- 5 yrs later. A couple of purses again- still using 5 yrs on. And a bunch of bia brazil workout pants (?$70?) again- 5 yrs on. So I consider all of that money well spent. I’ve been known to buy from Thrift stores- especially in the desert where the quality seems to be really good!
Glad you had a happy mom’s day!
No, that’s the official photo of the pants. I should have cited that! Oooops!
I love how thrifty you are regarding clothes and “stuff”. I’ve told you before I know you have to be the coolest girl in “the bu” area. If these last me 5 years I’ll consider it money well spent.
I hope Sam and Ellie were sweet to you on mom’s day!
I’m dying over the letters. So stinkin’ cute! The pants are def cute too. I have a hard time spending money on things besides running shoes. I have so much guilt w/ all the need in the world & w/ the boys’ needs.
I totally know what you mean about the $$$.
(Also I’m sorry I’m waaaay behind in my blog reading. I’ll catch up soon!)
What a great mother’s day! Mine was pretty good, too. My oldest has a hard time expressing affection, but he wrote something really nice for me. Later, after church, he had a paper heart that read, “I love you.” He made sure I knew that “they” made him write that. He added, “I like you.” My other kids are much more affectionate.
Oh – this is funny – and I haven’t shared this, yet — my youngest needed help in the bathroom after a BM. There I am, toilet paper in hand, and he sweetly says, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!” I laughed and laughed.
I’m glad you had a good Mother’s Day! That is SO FUNNY about your youngest!! Tee hee!!! Love kids!
Okay so many qs! First – how do you grill artichokes?? They are my fave I didn’t know they could be grilled! Second – Now I want to buy me some Lulu pants (because I have to buy everything you buy, lol) but the reviewers online said the Wunder Unders are kinda see through compared to their other tights and having been burned by see-through pants before (there’s a story for another day) I’m hesitant. How thick are they?
Your kids are so sweet! Loved their notes and sweet little faces!
Artichokes – B steams them and then grills them. I haven’t actually washed him do it but they are amazing. I’ll ask him specifics.
Lulu- Mine are the reversible so they are double layered. Can’t see through them at all. The Wander Unders are made with the same material, Luon, as the Groove pants. If you can’t see through your Groove pants then you shouldn’t be able to see through these. However I tried on the Run Inspire tights and they were a bit on the sheer side.
OMG!! I won the shoes! I can’t believe it! I’m so super excited!! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!
I’m so glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and hope you enjoy your Lululemon pants! It makes me kinda want to get some now!
I will say I’m loving the pants. I think time will tell if they are totally worth the cash. Congrats on the shoes. Passed on your info. Hope you enjoy them!
Your boys are so dang cute! And so are you
Happy belated mother’s day!
Thanks Janetha!
Hi Jenn! I was just taking some time to catch up on your blog. You always inspire me and I love reading about all of your adventures. I think you will really love your Lulu investment! I still wear my pants that I bought 6 years ago. I’m now Pilates coordinator for Life Time Fitness Colorado Springs….and we get to wear Lulu clothes every day as part of our uniform:) I hope I can show you the Pilates studio and give you a workout when you pass through Colorado later this year. Miss you!
That’s what I’m talkin’ about! So glad to hear your plans lasted so long. It was wonderful talking to you the other night! We shouldn’t wait so long! xoxo