Girl Hero Ashley
Ashley, is a wife, mother, preschool teacher, and a girl who is “surprisingly okay” with her skinny jeans getting tight. She has been married to her husband for five years and they have two handsome boys ages 4 and 18 months. After giving birth, Ashley decided she wanted he pre-baby body back began a quest to lose the 60 pounds she had put on while pregnant. She started with running and Pilates. Not long after her second son, she got hooked on CrossFit and hasn’t looked back! Ashley proves that there are no secrets to getting strong and lean. It’s all about a lifestyle of hard work and eating clean. Along with CrossFit, Ashley enjoys going to the movies, photography, shopping, and concerts. For more inspiration visit Reborn Fitness!
Meet Girl Hero Ashley!
How does your lifestyle before you lost weight compare to your lifestyle now? In other words how does your before and after weight loss stories compare?
Before losing the weight I didn’t put my health and fitness as a top priority. Growing up I was always an athlete but once I got married and had babies I became inactive and gained weight! My husband and I joke about when we first got married all I would make for dinner was pizza, fish sticks and sloppy joes! Now that I healthy and especially now that I have small children to feed I am a lot more aware of the food I prepare and keep in the house. I also want to be an example to them, I often talk to my oldest about healthy food choices and getting exercise!
What does a typical day of meals look like for you?
A typical breakfast for me is a few eggs, wheat bagel thin with peanut butter, banana and a protein shake. I’ll have veggies for a morning snack like peppers or cucumbers. Lunch is a chicken salad with more veggies or leftover grilled chicken from dinner. Afternoon snack is something like nuts, veggies, or protein shake. Dinners are made at home – our favorites are chicken fajitas, grilled chicken and fresh veggies, steak, and chicken stir fry with fresh veggies.This is where we also enjoy some carbs like whole wheat pastas/rice. Basically a lot of veggies, meat and LOTS of water throughout the day.
Does your husband and kids eat the same way as you? If not how does meal time work?
We all eat the same. The kids know mommy’s rule: what mommy makes for dinner is the only option! My boys are great eaters and 95% of the time love mommy’s food! It’s important to me to give them healthy option but never do I withhold pizza, chocolate milk or cake if it’s a special occasion or party! I’ve seen kids who have never get to have sweets and then when they do get some they go crazy!
Do you still get cravings? If so how do you deal with them?
Of course I do, I’m human!! I LOVE sweets and Coke! So I know if I buy it and keep it in the house then it’s for sure going to get eaten. I don’t even want to give myself that option so we never have pop, cookies or ice cream in the house. For a chocolate fix we love dark chocolate Hershey kisses. It’s a healthier option that is still delicious!
How do you fit in fitness with two young children?
When I lost weight after my first son I did it all from home, not once did I step foot in a gym. When my son would go to bed I’d do a workout dvd and run a couple miles outside or on the treadmill. Then in the mornings I would run another mile or two and do pilates. After I had my second son I just couldn’t workout at 8:30 pm anymore, I was exhausted!! So I started working out straight after work when I still had some energy left in me! We also love to go on family walk together.

“At first you feel like dying. Then you feel reborn.” – Ashley
How did lifting heavy change your body?
Lifting weights definitely gave me some muscle definition! Sure, I lost weight, was down to 130 lbs but I had no muscle to show for it, just skinny arms and legs. Now that CrossFit and lifting is a part of my routine I am seeing new muscles every week it seems! I never wanted to “tone up,” I wanted MUSCLE! I am still working hard but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in less than a year’s time. It’s getting more difficult to squeeze my thighs into my skinny jeans but I’m surprisingly ok with that!
Any current goals you are training for?
Nothing inparticular, just life and whatever comes my way! A couple weeks ago I entered into my first Olympic Lifting Meet at my CrossFit box, CrossFit Hydro. I honestly thought about backing out but I stuck to it and ended up finishing 4th out of 15! I even got a medal! So, without a doubt, I would love to compete in another! It’s been a goal of mine for the past couple years to enter into a fitness competition, that will take a lot more work though before I feel prepared for that.
What motivates you?
My reflection looking back at me in the mirror. ….is that selfish!? It’s just motivating to see how my body is changing over time.
You clearly have an amazing outter transformation! Did you notice an inner transformation as well?
Oh without a doubt! This is not a phase or a fad for me, this is my life! Sure, I have my slip ups, my binges and days where I flat out don’t feel like doing another burpee or push up!But eventually I get over it and push forward onto what I want in life. Being fit, healthy and strong is more important to me than cheeseburgers, Coke and ice cream cake! This truly is a lifestyle change for me. I make it a priority to get my butt to CrossFit, to keep healthy food in my kitchen, and keep my mind healthy at the same time.
Thank you so much for sharing your story Ashley! You are an inspiration in many ways!!!
Hugs and High Fives,
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Journey with our family on the road at New School Nomads as we travel fulltime in RV through the United States!
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