Shock, Panic and Joy! (And still a little shock.) Welcome Thing 3
At first you think it might just be stress. After all it’s not the first time you’ve been late.
Then if you’re a hypochondriac your aching breasts must be a sign of cancer. It’s not totally crazy when it runs in your family.
Finally, after many “there’s no ways” you head to the store.
Then you pee on a white stick and casually check Facebook while you wait because “there’s no way”.
Until you see two pink lines.
At first, it’s shock. What? How? Impossible! You forget everything you’ve ever learned in sex ed.
Then it’s panic. Your youngest child is eleven. You’re 35. This wasn’t in the “plans”.
Then it’s joy. Because love multiplies. You realize that God is giving you a gift that you’ve always wanted but didn’t have the courage to ask for.
Welcome Thing 3!
I haven’t felt much like blogging lately. Mostly because I’ve been curled up in in fetal position feeling like I’m on the verge of vomiting 24/7. I don’t have any interesting exercise locations to share because I haven’t exercised in weeks. I don’t have any pictures of farmers markets or funky grocery stores because the thought of broccoli (or most greens for that matter) make me want to sprint straight to the bathroom. It’s been a rough 8 weeks. On top of dealing with a major unexpected life change, I’ve been terribly sick. I’ve been living off of hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, watermelon, and Gorilla Munch cereal. Don’t judge. That stuff is good!
But finally, after hitting 12 weeks this past weekend, things are one the upswing. I might even get in a workout this week. Thankfully, I filmed my last state kettlebell workout just a few days before morning sickness hit hard and if all goes well I’ll get another one edited soon.
Anyone else ever experience an unexpected pregnancy? Or morning sickness? How did you deal?
Hugs and High Fives,
Keep up with my kettlebell workouts, real food recipes, and more in one of three ways! 1. Sign up to have posts emailed to your inbox. 2. Subscribe to the RSS Feed or 3. “like” Girl Heroes on Facebook. Simple dimple!
Journey with our family on the road at Newschool Nomads as we travel fulltime in RV through the United States.
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Congratulations! I hope start feeling better though!
Thank you!
That picture is adorable! I know you planned this way ahead: wait til your oldest are old enough to babysit, then BAM!
seriously so happy for all of you!
Awesome photo! So very excited for you!!!
I LOVE that family photo! Congrats and I am so so excited for you. I can totally understand the shock and excitement mix, though I obviously can’t empathize. But seriously, how exciting?!?!
I can’t wait to read more about this new stage in your life and what you guys plan on doing in terms of traveling, etc.
So so happy for you!! And sorry that you’ve been feeling punky. Hooray for the second trimester! I’m glad you’re on the upswing and so excited about the news! xo
OMG Jen!!! How wonderful!! I am so excited for you all – this is just so awesome. Just look at what traveling across the country will do! You will have to name a boy Ryland Victor or a girl, Rachel Victoria – that way you can call them R.V – ha ha ha!!!
I know the boys are so excited – especially Brent
I just can’t believe it! I am so just so elated!
I’m a bit slow to respond…sorry…but wanted to say thank you! Those names are hilarious too!
Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations! I have been following your site for years! God is continuing to work miracles in your life. I had my one and only little blessing (a son) at 37. I can’t imagine life without him!
Sorry I’m so late to respond (haven’t been on the computer much) but I wanted to say thank you and I love hearing about others you had little surprise blessings as well. It’s so nice to be reminded others have walked the same road.
Awesome photo, soooo cute
Congratulations on the unexpected, I often feel like God gives us these things when we least expect it
Hope you feel better soon.
I don’t know if I’ve commented here before, but I love your blog. Congratulations! I’ve dealt with an unexpected third child and severe “morning” sickness with said third child–so I hear ya! My youngest was nearly 5 when I had my third, so not the same huge age space that you will be experiencing, but somewhat similar, and I love it. I feel like I have had the time and energy to truly enjoy our third, and the older brothers love their little brother so much. I’m glad your nausea is subsiding! I can’t wait to follow your journey. I mean really, exercise, travel, and baby-havin? My dream blog right there.
Congrats!! I totally squealed from excitement. Kinda dropped out of the blog world, popped back in only to see your amazing news! baby boy (#2) was a huge surprise but such a sweet blessing. It’s surprising how much a person forgets but then it comes back in no time.
Again congratulations! Three is a great number!
Thanks Retta!!!! Funny you stopped by bc it wasn’t long ago that I tried to stop by your “place” and saw you had taken your site down. I’m excited about baby three and sort of hoping we’ll go for a fourth!
I hope all is well with you!!!
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