“Pau” emailed me last year when I was whining talking about my thighs. She commented and then sent me a sweet email telling me that she thought my thighs looked really good. Like any normal girl who receives a compliment, I immediately asked her to be my BFF even though she lives in Ecuador where […]
From Psycho to Princess Playlist
Girl Hero Tara
WWTD? What would Tara do? I’ve asked myself that more than once in moments of temptation or laziness. Tara has been immensely motivating for me. So motivating that I had a picture of her taped inside my kitchen cabinet when I was training for my first figure competition! I’ve used all the excuses in the […]
Strong and Stronger
Sometimes my victories feel trite. Tonight was one of those nights. The writer of one of my favorite blogs posted that she has been diagnosed with cancer. There’s been too much news about cancer lately. I wish it would just go away. Her post about it is both disappointing and inspiring. You can read it […]
Girl Heroes Janetha & Momma B
Girl Hero Michelle
One of my favorite things about blogging is making new friends. Michelle was one of the first people to email me through my blog and I’m so glad she did! Michelle is hilarious, witty, super duper encouraging, honest, and COMMITED to her family and her health. She is definitely a Girl Hero! Michelle works as […]
Girl Hero Martha
What the DMV taught me about health.
Thank You, My Girl-Heroes.
I’ve missed you and I’ve missed blogging. I thought Thanksgiving would be a perfect day to get back to blogging. There’s nothing like eating 4000 calories then sitting down at my laptop to pontificate on and on about the importance of sane meals. 😉 Seriously, I was thinking about all I have to be thankful […]
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard. Despite being close to the show. When she got there The cupboard should have been bare Since she has trouble with “NO”. Here’s a recap of the competition from yesterday. The competition was an hour away from my house (w/o traffic) in Hollywood so I had decided I’d drive down in […]