Taking body fat measurements requires some practice even then it’s not 100% accurate. Even so it’s a great inexpensive way to track progress and it’s much more reliable than the scale. For instance, I’m 4 pounds heavier than I was for my first competition but my BF% is down by 1-2%. Which hopefully means I […]
Should I lift weights or do cardio first?

Generally speaking if you are trying to build muscle (and I hope you are) then strength train first while your glycogen (the body’s main source of fuel) stores are high. This way you have maximum energy for your workout. If you are working on building endurance, such as training for a race, then do cardio […]
Questions for the refined sugar-free freak.
How long until I see results?
HIIT Me Baby One More Time: What is HIIT cardio?

Okay enough of the Britney references. Here’s a question that was emailed to me a few days ago. What is HIIT cardio and what does it entail? HIIT cardio is a form of torture derived from the prisons of Abkhazia. Not really. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. In a nutshell, it is a series […]
She-Hulk – Will I get bulky?
How much weight should I lift??
Supplements for a Strong Body

Finally I’m back to healthy. I don’t think I’ve been that sick for years. It makes me GRATEFUL for my health and even more motivated to continue to nourish and strengthen my body and encourage others to do the same. I’m itching to get back to the gym too…hopefully tomorrow. I’ve lost 4 pounds this week. I […]