Last weekend’s tournament, I had a crew of support and love.
This weekend it’s just me…. and this guy!
Another weekend filled to the brim and spilling over with a crazy hodgepodge of activities. A taekwondo tournament. A sudden urge to pull off the freeway when we saw a sign that said “Lake Elsinore Historic Downtown”. A wonderful little Italian restaurant with a character of an owner. A long talk in the car with […]
And she is on her way to a nervous breakdown. Kidding. Sort of. Between traveling, getting sick, moving, preparing our rental, taekwondo tournaments and normal and not so normal life stuff like going to the grocery or vacuuming, (we may or may not have just vacuumed for the first time since we moved a month […]
Saturday morning, my family and I sat around the breakfast table. Rather than attack our “to-do” list that is the length of all of our arms combined (I’ll explain later why it is so long.) we ended up procrastinating enjoying each other’s company and making a family “bucket list”. 10 Things: Our Family Bucket List […]
Brent and I I kicked off the New Year early last week by attending taekwondo winter boot camp. Yeah…pun intended. For 4 days, Brent and I kicked and punched alongside each other. Each day we did 45-60 minutes of cardio and strength, 45-60 minutes of kicking, 45-60 minutes of sparring and sparring drills, and 45 […]
I love starting a roadtrip while it’s still dark. There is nothing quite like watching the sunrise welcome a new day of adventure. Saturday morning, Brent and I, alone, took off for Vegas with a change of clothes, two cups of coffee, beef jerky, bananas, and some sparring gear. We decided to take the road […]
I worry. I fret. I over-analyze. I get things wrong. Sometimes. I was wrong. And this is wrong…. …WTH? Watch out, balloons! This past weekend we had another taekwondo tournament so that meant last week was spent worrying about MMA Mama showing up. She did show up. I spotted her within 10 minutes of arriving […]
We are back from a long weekend out of town. We drove up north to spend the weekend with good friends and attend a taekwondo tournament. Over the weekend we also visited a small local dairy farm, ate the most amazing Puerto Rican food, and watched Napoleon Dynamite. (I love that movie.) It was a […]
What do kettlebell certifications, microwaves, and raccoons all have in common? They make me nervous. Tomorrow is my second official taekwondo tournament and I’m a bit nervous. Okay so I’m really nervous. Considering MMA Mama beat me in the last tournament giving me a nasty bruise adding injury to insult 😉 , I think my nervousness is justified. […]