A few weeks ago, I was on a list to take a meal to a friend who had a baby. As I was skimming the list to make sure I wasn’t bringing a duplicate meal, I saw “sloppy lentils”. Since, I already had a bunch of lentils from my last Azure Standard order, I […]
Simple Sweet Potato Chips Save the Day
How and why (far more important) to make sweet potato chips. PMS, which I like to refer to as Present Monster Syndrome, presents a set of challenges almost every month not the least of which are the cravings. C.R.A.V.I.N.G.S. Cravings, if not managed, will leave unwanted additions to my thighs every month and over time, […]
Grill Hero’s Sweet and Tangy Halibut
If you can see past the smog, keep your sanity in traffic, avoid gangs, and don’t mind earthquakes then southern California is a pretty great place to live. Not only do we have amazing weather but in our smallish town, we have almost two Trader Joe’s (I say almost because one is being built), multiple […]
Tasty Tuesday: Classic BBQ Chicken Pizza
I’ve not kept it secret that I enjoy the taste of junk food, especially pizza. I’ve also shared my food ideals and reality. Most days, I pass on junk food including traditional pizza. However, deprivation isn’t any fun (and can lead to a binge) so to satisfy my junk food cravings I make healthier substitutes. Not long […]
Can’t Believe They Are Collards!!!!
Simple Sweet and Spicy Squash Soup
Like motivation, inspiration comes and goes. Sometimes, I go weeks eating the same thing day after day. Then suddenly, I’m inspired and spend the next 3 weeks experimenting and creating new recipes all crazy like Willie Wonka…but without the sugar…and the top hat. Here is one of my newest recipes. It’s easy and healthy. I’m […]
Get buzzed! – The Benefits of Bee Pollen
Over the years, I’ve moved away from the regular use of protein powder. I still use it for the occasional bowl of “cookie dough” or a shake but, overall, I make the effort to get my nutrition from whole foods. Recently, I put together this simple power breakfast (or pre-workout meal) when I was training […]
Fluffy Friday: Glamour Girevik Goes Grok
What do kettlebell certifications, microwaves, and raccoons all have in common? They make me nervous. Tomorrow is my second official taekwondo tournament and I’m a bit nervous. Okay so I’m really nervous. Considering MMA Mama beat me in the last tournament giving me a nasty bruise adding injury to insult 😉 , I think my nervousness is justified. […]
This Way or That Whey
Summer Salad Series: Chimichurri Lentils
I love Trader Joe’s. LOVE it. I love it so much that I have been seen waiting outside 15 minutes before they open their doors with the other crazies. I’ve also said many times that I couldn’t live in a town where there wasn’t a Trader Joe’s. That’s not spoiled, that’s being realistic. However, believe […]